• Content Manager workflow - activities skipped still displaying in activities due tray

    Good morning team, I have a user that has a skipped workflow activity that is still displaying in the Activities Due tray in content manager even though the remainder of the workflow is completed. Any advice as to why this is? The current status is…
  • Workflows in CM 10.x

    Hi, I'm wondering if anyone is using workflows in CM 10 or 10.1 out of the box and would be happy to share their experience? SCC is currently on CM 9.4 and our CIO is wanting executive approvals to be captured using workflows. The usability of workflows…
  • Workflow Help

    Good Morning, Hoping someone can help with my workflow, which Content Manager thinks is invalid. We are running CM9.3 Build 546 Patch 3. What I am trying to do is a workflow as follows: 1. Upload Document 2. Review Document (Approved) 3. Finalize Document…
  • Force user to only select only ONE workflow activity result?

    Is there a way to configure an activity such that a user can only select a single result? example: When there are 3 results (Approve/Decline/Send for Correction) is it possible to limit the result select to only ONE?
  • Workflow changes in 9.3 and (9.4)? Different from 8.3?

    Hi all is anyone using Workflow and or Action Tracking in 9.3 or 9.4? - Im keen, from a user feedback perspective to find out, in as much detail as possible, how Workflow and Action Tracking has been improved in the new versions - if possible, and if…
  • Create link to Workflow Complete Activity action

    Using version 9.1... Is it possible to create a link in a CM Email Template that will send a "Complete" action for the referenced Workflow activity? Thanks, Brian
  • RE: Email notifications from Workflows not including a HPRM reference link

    Hi Jason - yes this is correct. in TAFE SA we have 2 folder types that have a workflow attached and both used to receive HPRM references in the email notifications when using TRIM 6.2 but since the upgrade to HPRM 8.1 we have not been receiving the link…
  • Email notifications from Workflows not including a HPRM reference link

    Hi I work for TAFE SA and we use HPRM 8.1 with Windows 7,8 and 10 with Microsoft Outlook 10, 13, and 16 and since we upgraded from TRIM 6.2 staff are no longer recieving links in the email notification created from workflow processes. Can anyone suggest…
  • HP RM 8 & Inbuilt Basic Workflow Capabilities

    From what I can see on the Kapish site; the basic modules for HP RM 8 still doesn't include the Workflow module. I recall in prior versions of HP TRIM that there were simple workflow-type functions. Is anyone able to advise of what the limitations of…
  • TRIM Workflow - Unable to Import Workflow v5 to v6.2

    Hi there, Currently we are trying to upgrade from TRIM 5.2 to TRIM 7.1 . The dataset is fine by upgrading from TRIM 5.2 to TRIM 6.2 and then to TRIM 7.1. However, I am unable to import the workflow templates from TRIM 5.2 to TRIM 6.2. When I import it…
  • SharePoint Workflow Security Mapping for Auditing - Integration

    Exciting stuff. Does anyone know the functionality of this please? Thinking about the SharePoint Integration and whether the SharePoint Workflow maps to TRIM Workflow and how / if this is to work. SharePoint Workflow works quite nicely with forms and…
  • Workflow Templates & TRIM 7 Crashes Intermittently on Save

    * Edit: Attachment of Error Message Included I have experienced issues with Workflow Templates crashing intermittently. I am wondering if anyone else experienced this. I have noticed it in both TRIM 6.2.4 and TRIM 7.0.1 (using this now). Error: "HP TRIM…
  • Using TRIM Workflow, send a Purchase Order activity forward to employee's correct supervisor

    Using TRIM Workflow, I wish to send a Purchase Order forward to next activities to Accounting Office and to the respective supervisor of the person creating the PO. Accounting is easy since it is the same location for everyone, but different people have…
  • TRIM 7.0.1 Crashing for Newly Saved Templates

    On a test machine (Environment Details @ bottom), testing TRIM 7.0.1 Has anyone experienced the same, or have any ideas on this one please? After going through the following sequence, TRIM crashes. Maximum CPU & Memory Usage over this time…