• Error creating record TRIM service api using postman - 403 - Forbidden: Access is denied.

    Hi I am trying to create a record in TRIM content manger using service api via postman and I am seeing 403 - Access denied error. My json is like below. I used my network credentials for basic authentication. When I create a record using .NET…
  • ServiceAPI Location SecurityProfile has empty caveat list

    I'm trying to fetch Locations and their respective security levels/caveats. So I'm specifying the SecurityProfile in the property. This returns the Security Profile with all its fields populated except for the Caveats? For example the following endpoint…
  • Content Manager Service API Problem

    Hi all, I need to use the CM Service API. I reviewed the Installation Guide and Service Api Guide for both 9.4 and 10.1 versions. I have completed the configurations as stated in the guides. (For example, updating C:\Program Files\Micro Focus\Content…
  • ServiceAPI issues post 9.1 > 9.4 upgrade

    Hey all, Due to a 9.4 (Patch 4) upgrade, I've been looking to migrate our little custom API (built as a ServiceAPI Plugin, akin to David's sample at https://github.com/content-manager-sdk/Community/tree/master/Samples/ServiceAPI/CSharp/SimpleServiceAPIPlugin…
  • Checking out records using the Service API

    I'm currently trying to checkout a record using the Service API and retrieve the associated file. In the end we want to make the checked out document available on a WebDAV share like it's supported by the CM WebClient. Using the "/Record" endpoint I can…
  • Content Manager Service API 9.3 - Authentication not working, always defaults to guest.

    Hey there, I'm having an annoying issue when it comes to trying to use authentication with Service API; it seems that no matter what authentication I try to make it use, it always fails and defaults back to anonymous authentication - which means it uses…
  • Find current users memberships with Service API

    Hey there, So I'm in a situation where I would like to query the current groups that a user is a member of (I'm not sure if these are just called memberships or something else like security groups?). I've noticed that the SDK has a nice handy function…
  • Listing location children using the ServiceAPI

    I'm trying to retrieve a persons picture attached to the record. The person record has several Electronic Addresses attached to it. Using the the CM client I can see that record entry from the image is bold and has the LocationEAddress Uri 45510. Looking…
  • Service API - does document download consider reBytes?

    Got a scenario where we are updating a Test database with dummy document references, as per this old thread: Dummy Document Store The change appears to have worked - we can 'view' dummy documents via the client when opened. However when trying to download…
  • Service API - co-existing connections via local/https?

    Is it possible to allow connections to the Service API via local network, and https, without them tripping over each other? Here's my scenario: connect to "domain.CM\ServiceAPI" - connects with SSO as expected connect to " https://CM.com/ServiceAPI "…
  • 8.3 Service API - Maximum request length exceeded

    I've got an integration that pushes large files into CM. The Service API is returning this error for any received files: ERROR ServiceStack.WebHost.Endpoints.Support.EndpointHandlerBase - Error occured while Processing Request: Maximum request length…
  • json body to upload document serviceapi

    Hello, Can anyone provide an example for uploading a document and attaching it to an existing record? I need the json body and the method called. Thanks
  • Incorrect date retrieved via Service API

    Background: We have a record type in Content Manager with a properties field called “Issue Date”. The following API Call (Service API v9.1) is used to retrieve the Issue Date: "format=json&properties=RecordTitle,IssueDate,RecordDateCreated,Uri,RecordType…
  • Using Service API to retrieve properties from Trim

    Hi guys, I am using Service api to communicate with HPTRIM and collecting information or metadata related to particular record. I have successfully obtained the metadatas but having problem with few properties. I have no access to trim environment other…
  • How to update Records to show that they are "Parts" of a whole after they have been created?

    In the desktop GUI you can set "Related Records" as "Parts" of a whole. How is this done via the Service API after the fact as well?
  • Service Api Doco and a how to retrieve record number from results ?

    Firstly i am finding it hard to find any detailed documentation about using the service api .net beyond the supplied examples localhost/.../dotnetclient Also i am porting an old service that was using the wcf soap endpoints to use the new service api…