• Content Manager Teams add-in displays error 'A value must be entered for the 'Author / Signatory' when there is already a valid location entered.

    We are using Content Manager 23.4 Patch 1. When we save Teams chat, Teams add-in displays the form. However when we click on 'Save' button, error messahe - 'A value must be entered for the field 'Author / Signatory' is displayed. Aithory / Signatory…
  • Add a tab for additional field - Locations

    Is it possible to add an 'additional field' tab to a person location in HP Records Manager 8.3 (build 9365) similar to the way you can do it (for records) in record type forms? Addtional fields are addable and accessible for locations via the generic…
  • Default 'last container (or location etc ) for drop down lists in data entry fields

    Has anyone worked out a way of changing the way RM/CM positions available locations/folders/other names within dropdown fields? - To elaborate on this - you might be saving a document and while selecting the 'Container' field you click on the black arrow…
  • Location Search string

    Hi all, I am trying to understand how to build search query for Location. When I use this url https://myserver.com/HPRMServiceAPI/Location?pageSize=20&q=!migration&format=JSON&Propertysets=Details , it returns properties including LocationFaxNumber but…
  • User Category and Access Controls

    We have the majority of our users assigned to the User Category of End User, which by default does not allow users to Delete Records. We use Access Controls to define who has access to what areas of the FilePlan. We have set up an area in the FilePlan…