Notes Word/Any Word search options missing

We are using CM 23.4, Patch 2.

The Any Word and Notes Word search options have disappeared from the Search By list.  Content Indexing and Word Indexing are both enabled in Event Processing.  I've tried reindexing Records (title, notes, additional 'text' fields), and that doesn't appear to have done anything.

Any suggestions?


  • Suggested Answer


    Hi Katie,

    Good news the Anyword search being reintroduced in 23.4 Patch 3 which is due out very soon.


    Graeme Christieson

    Lead Technical Support Specialist

    Global Technical Support

    QLD, Australia

  • Suggested Answer

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    The patch is out now.

    Please take note of the following information from the Release Notes.

    Content Manager functions

    After installation, deploy the below database functions as part of the patch upgrade process. This will

    switch to the Anyword search feature with bug fixes.

    Order of Database functions to be deployed:

    1. fn_parseStringBrackets
    2. fn_gatherLikeData
    3. fn_gatherContainsData
    4. fn_SearchTitleAndNotes

     To manually install the database functions, perform the following steps:

    1. Right-click on the dataset where you want to install the functions.
    2. Navigate to Schema > Manage. The Schema Manager dialog is displayed.
    3. In the left pane, expand Functions.
    4. Select the fn_parseStringBrackets function, right-click > Check and then Recreate.
    5. Repeat step 4 for all the functions mentioned above.
    6. Once all the functions are recreated, click Close to exit out of Schema Manager.


    Graeme Christieson

    Lead Technical Support Specialist

    Global Technical Support

    QLD, Australia

  • Suggested Answer

    0   in reply to   

    The patch is out now.

    Please take note of the following information from the Release Notes.

    Content Manager functions

    After installation, deploy the below database functions as part of the patch upgrade process. This will

    switch to the Anyword search feature with bug fixes.

    Order of Database functions to be deployed:

    1. fn_parseStringBrackets
    2. fn_gatherLikeData
    3. fn_gatherContainsData
    4. fn_SearchTitleAndNotes

     To manually install the database functions, perform the following steps:

    1. Right-click on the dataset where you want to install the functions.
    2. Navigate to Schema > Manage. The Schema Manager dialog is displayed.
    3. In the left pane, expand Functions.
    4. Select the fn_parseStringBrackets function, right-click > Check and then Recreate.
    5. Repeat step 4 for all the functions mentioned above.
    6. Once all the functions are recreated, click Close to exit out of Schema Manager.


    Graeme Christieson

    Lead Technical Support Specialist

    Global Technical Support

    QLD, Australia

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