Content Manager Teams add-in displays error 'A value must be entered for the 'Author / Signatory' when there is already a valid location entered.

We are using Content Manager 23.4 Patch 1. 

When we save Teams chat, Teams add-in displays the form. However when we click on 'Save' button, error messahe - 'A value must be entered for the field 'Author / Signatory' is displayed. Aithory / Signatory is a required field but there is already a valid location selected for this field. 

Anyone encountered this issue or have an idea of how this issue can be resolved.

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    Is it only occurring for certain locations/profile types? Please submit a ticket w/ the CM Support Team for review. 


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    Thanks for your response, Bob. I had already created a support team case for this issue but was not getting a response. However, I have received a response now that this is an issue and they Open Text can reproduce.

    I just wonder how other customers are using this add-in? 

  • Verified Answer


    This issue was found internally and fixed late in 2024. Please apply 23.4 P1 HF4 (or later).

    Ref. Known Issue: Team Integration & Zero Foot Pint: "Author" field is showing as Mandatory even though value is already filled.

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    Steve, thank you for further digging into this issue and arriving at a resolution. We really appreciate that.

    However, I do have a concern that how much exposure the Open Text Support Team has to such issues. We reported this issue to Open Text on Dec 4, 2024. The issue was fixed sometime in Dec 2024. The support engineer was not aware that Open Text is working on this issue, and that it has been resolved with a hot fix. This is because on Jan 13, 2025, I received an email from Open Text Support Engineer indicating - "I have shared the pieces of the information that you shared to the development team, and they are investigating."

    I believe a better coordination between Support Team and R&D may help to improve the support.

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    We have encountered numerous issues while configuring basic Teams integration, which is extremely concerning. Despite our high hopes for product improvements, each new enhancement seems to be plagued with bugs. It is troubling that the development team releases enhancements without proper regression testing, as simple tests could identify these issues before reaching customers. This leaves the burden on customers to create tickets, wait for responses, and then be informed that the development team, already aware of these issues, needs to review them. There appears to be a significant disconnect between the support and development teams. Our initial excitement about M365 integration has diminished due to the numerous issues and poor workflows, leading us to reconsider pursuing this option.

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    Hi Steve, do you have any additional documentation on this Hotfix so we can better assess and implement it? Surinder has also responded to the case in Support portal but would be good to expedite it if you or someone have the information, thanks!