Size of Contents in a folder

Hi All,

Is there an easy way to find out the total size of the contents of a folder.  I have 93 folders, and a hundred odd subfolders and I need to find out the total "disk space" of them.  The size field includes the KB, MB etc, so I am thinking if I do a mail merge to an excel spreadsheet I then run a formula to remove the KB/MB, convert the MB figures to KB and then add them.  I have over 6,000 lines though, so was hoping there is a way to pull this info easily from CM.



  • Verified Answer


    Hi Shell,

    What you've described is the best for going about it via the standard UI.

    For a search, you can search based on the container and then select 'Recursive' to show you all items within the folder regardless how deep (e.g. will find those items in sub-folders / dividers) too. It is possible to build up a search to do it for all 90 folders at once.

    If you are familiar with string searching I sometimes use Excel or Notepad to create the 'whole search' for all the record numbers in one go a lot easier and I can then copy and paste the search clause straight in.

    You are then correct about a print merge and then massaging using an excel formula.

    The downside of the print-merge approach though is that it will only give you the size for the 'current electronic' item and not include any of the revisions or renditions that may be present on each of the records.

    E.g. a word doc may be 1MB but may have been edited 50 times. The footprint of the current document is 1MB but there is an additional 50MB stored (1MB x 50 previous revisions behind the scenes). Very loose example though as each revision will probably have a different size due to each of the edits.

    If you need the revision sizes to be included the best approach would be via a script which can be built to loop through all records, loop through all revisions on all records, and add the totals all together.


  • Verified Answer


    Hi Shell,

    What you've described is the best for going about it via the standard UI.

    For a search, you can search based on the container and then select 'Recursive' to show you all items within the folder regardless how deep (e.g. will find those items in sub-folders / dividers) too. It is possible to build up a search to do it for all 90 folders at once.

    If you are familiar with string searching I sometimes use Excel or Notepad to create the 'whole search' for all the record numbers in one go a lot easier and I can then copy and paste the search clause straight in.

    You are then correct about a print merge and then massaging using an excel formula.

    The downside of the print-merge approach though is that it will only give you the size for the 'current electronic' item and not include any of the revisions or renditions that may be present on each of the records.

    E.g. a word doc may be 1MB but may have been edited 50 times. The footprint of the current document is 1MB but there is an additional 50MB stored (1MB x 50 previous revisions behind the scenes). Very loose example though as each revision will probably have a different size due to each of the edits.

    If you need the revision sizes to be included the best approach would be via a script which can be built to loop through all records, loop through all revisions on all records, and add the totals all together.

