Microsoft Logic Apps and Flow custom connector


I was following the below article posted by David Churchland 

Logic Apps (and Flow) Custom Connector – Focus on Content Manager – Web services, Web Drawer, SDK and more... (

to create a custom connector which I can use to post a file with Multi-part form data to HP Trim content manager. 

I imported the open API Swagger from this link 

Community/Samples/ServiceAPI/Connectors/Logic Apps/CM.swagger.json at master · content-manager-sdk/Community · GitHub

After creating the connector, when I try to use it in power apps it looks like below - which doesn't let me post File content. 

Please help me understand what I am doing wrong when setting up the custom connector. More details are as below. 

I am using Windows authentication, with On-premise gateway.

Whereas the one from David Churchland article looks like this, which allows posting File content.

I am Trying this for first time, obviously I am missing something in the connector, Can David or anyone help me with this. 

When I switch to Swagger editor in Custom connector, it looks like this which allows me to post file, but I am not able to set the Swagger security definition to use Windows Auth, and test post file from the connector.  

without the swagger editor It looks like this

Please help.  

Thanks a lot, any help would be greatly appreciated. 


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    I managed to resolve this issue myself. Swagger given in that URL is working fine. What we are seeing in the Connector in Power Automate as body is getting posted as file/body and filename goes as file/filename which worked perfectly well. However, our content manager was expecting few more fields along with Record container, Record Type and Record Title. So I fixed the swagger yml to add those fields and updated the connector. Power Automate then was showing the new fields which was accepted by the service API. Only thing I changed in Swagger.json was RecordsResponse type object to type string. 

  • 0

    I managed to resolve this issue myself. Swagger given in that URL is working fine. What we are seeing in the Connector in Power Automate as body is getting posted as file/body and filename goes as file/filename which worked perfectly well. However, our content manager was expecting few more fields along with Record container, Record Type and Record Title. So I fixed the swagger yml to add those fields and updated the connector. Power Automate then was showing the new fields which was accepted by the service API. Only thing I changed in Swagger.json was RecordsResponse type object to type string. 
