Idea ID: 2873334

OBM should keep a history of tunned parameters values in the assignments.

Status: New Idea

We would like that OBM would be able to keep a history of at least 3 values for the parameters in the assignments.

We have had already four times the following situation, the value of a parameter in all the assignments has got overwritten by default value. Once this happen, just because of a human error or because of a defect in the application, then and the only to recover recover from this situation has been to restore a backup up of the database in pre-production to obtain the previous valur via "opr-assign" command. 

In the same way that when you edit a parameter value, the UI gives the opportunity to "Revert" that means to restore default value, it should give the opportunity to revert to a previus tunned valued (at lease 2 or 3 value history), like the "UNDO" that exists in a Word document. 

Thanks in advance.