Hi All,
Is there any packages available for the use-cases to monitor the MITRE attacks Tactics and Procedures. I want to import the rules into the ESM.
DevOps Cloud
IT Operations Cloud
I suggest you use the "contact us" link on the app page to contact the app publisher with your question. Alternatively, you could also rate and review the app and give the developer your feedback in the ratings & reviews section of the app. Finally, if you are suggesting new functionality or an app, you can request new apps and functionality on this page here: Marketplace Ideas . I hope this is helpful. Chris
If you ask where the ESM folks hang out, you might get a wider range of suggestions, as I'm sure some of them already are doing something on this front and would love to talk about it.
They may also help in getting any new Idea you submit (as per Chris's suggestion) get more traction and votes if you link to it in your conversations there.
Andy of KonecnyConsulting.ca in Toronto
Please use the "Like" and/or "Verified Answers" as appropriate as that helps us all.