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TrueClient: filling a textbox applying number convertion works for Vugen but not for controller

Dear all,

I have an issue concerning a text box field in web form. This textbox must type only chain of numbers and after the complete typing it converts automatically into a string. (example: i type 12345 and it becomes 123,45 and 567 to 5,67. If i run it using Vugen I found the result I want when I save the form but when I run it from controller I get0 ,00 which is the default number . Did anybody experience something like this?


Many thanks


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    Hi CR,

      Is this feedback about a specific app within the ADM marketplace?

      If so, use the Reviews feature on the app detail page to leave the app author feedback.  Most authors will respond, and you'll get a notification when they reply to your review.

    I hope is helpful.

  • Verified Answer

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    Hi Christh,

    thanks for the feedback. In the end  found the solution:

    I forgot to add :  {    "End Event": TCS.argType.endEvent.actionCompleted  }   within the Type function. It permits to wait for an event occurring on the field typed.

