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I can't find the Micro Focus product I need

Micro Focus Marketplace is the best place to find Micro Focus product apps, add-ons, and extensions.  

To find the Micro Focus product you need, visit the Micro Focus Products A-Z list.

To search for apps, add-ons, or extensions by Micro Focus product name, visit the Marketplace Products A-Z list on the Marketplace homepage.

Why can't I find my Micro Focus product?

The Micro Focus Products A-Z list shows all the supported products and solutions.  If your product isn't listed, most likely it has been deprecated and is no longer available.

Why are more products listed on the Marketplace Products A-Z page?

Marketplace hosts apps, add-ons, and extensions for both active and inactive Micro Focus products.  Use the Marketplace homepage Products A-Z list to search for apps, add-ons, and extensions by Micro Focus product name.

  • 0
    When searching the marketplace for content like SugarCRM, I get no hits. I do see content inside one of the offerings. Can the search engine be configured to try harder ?
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    Hi ,

    Interesting suggestion!  To your point, our Elastic Search does not look at the app description or releases when indexing search terms.

    The app you mentioned is most likely this one:

    I had to do a Google search and include "SugarCRM" along with "Microfocus marketplace" to find the app you are referring to.

    Let us look into adding indexing for "release name" which would address this issue you raised.  I'll update this thread when more information is available, thanks again for the suggestion.  Chris

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    I would like to get the LoadRunner Professional for trial (as it is mentioned that free trial is available for 30 days). However whenever I am trying to login to access the  LoadRunner Professional , it is showing the following error - 

    The login name or password is incorrect, or your account is locked.
    Note: After several failed login attempts, user accounts are temporarily locked.


    Additionally, nd in this link Started|_____4

    it is not showing the LoadRunner Professional. Note mentioned in the link is highlighted below

    Note: The VuGen content is now available in the VuGen Help Center only, and not the LoadRunner Professional Help Center.

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    hi  ,

    This community is for Marketplace questions.  If you are looking for the LoadRunner trial page, try here.  If you are having trouble with your account, try creating a new trial with a new email address.

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