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Knowledge Doc: Azure By WebServices discovery job - name field is empty


Azure By WebServices discovery job - It works perfectly, except for a strange issue: in some cases, the Windows CIs’ Name (name) field is either not filled in or filled incorrectly.


UCMDB 2021.08 or later.


Azure By WebServices discovery job - It works perfectly, except for a strange issue: in some cases, the Windows CIs’ Name (name) field is either not filled in or filled incorrectly.

In certain cases, the Name (name) field remains empty. However, the node name appears correctly in the query results, and discovery properly fills the Cloud VM Display Name field.

Is there a way the discovery process to fill the CI Name ibased on the instanceView/computerName data instead of osProfile/computerName because the instanceView/computerName data is always present in the JSON responses?

For more details on the cause and for a resolution, refer to the knowledge article.


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