• Exclusively agent driven flow - how to change probe names?

    Test upgrade of data flow probe, changed probe name. Some existing discovery status of scan files from Inventory of scan file job start reporting errors "cannot find probe 'oldProbeName' Task for TriggerCI will not be created". I searched and found…
  • to_inventory has many scan files even after discovery activity at 100%

    We are running exclusively agent driven flow discovery, where UDA deployed to windows computers performs an inventory scan every 7 days and auto sends the xsf to the data flow probe windows server. ~20K windows desktop nodes. We are running UCMDB 2022…
  • Running discovery jobs without probe cache

    Hello, Is there any way/configuration option to completely disable probe's cache for all discovery jobs, as a general option? Running version 2022.05 and I am confident that system resources are available to process all data from discovery, without…
  • Chunk size is not big enough for the job’s topology

    Hello, A new develop discovery/integration job is generating a large amount of results Total Objects number: 235449 -->235449 ( containment:55526->55526 router:30->30 vlan:3990->3990 composition:59227->59227 firewall:16->16 lb:6->6 ip_address:27763…
  • NTCMD discovery running on two out of three probes

    Hi! I have three probes installed on identaical Windows Server 2019. The probes are in different zones. "NTCMD Host Resources and Applications by shell" is only running on two out of three probes. In adittion I have a test environment where the probe…
  • http code 406 from uda after ucmdb/probe upgrade from 2021.11 to 2022.05

    After upgrading UCMDB and probe from 2021.11 to 2022.05 on windows, existing UDA on Windows doing agent driven discovery seems to upload file ok to probe via HTTPS 9443 , but debug log returns HTTP status code 406. 11-02-22 21:41:55: [ThreadID-17540…
  • Atrium import adapter

    Hi, We are running uCMDB Server 2022.05 on Windows 2022 Standard virtual machine Data Flow Probe 2022.05 on the same Windows server (no discover just integrations) Atrium Import Adapter STR: Did an installation of uCMDB, fresh install…
  • No access to the probe dashboard

    Hello Dear community, I've saw recently that i don't have access to my probe dashboard on the Browser (administration panel). This error is weird because i have acces to all my feature except this one.... Of course i did everything they said on the error…
  • Many CallHomeEvents and bad performance of discovery

    Dear community, I was reading this discussion : /it_ops_mgt/ucmdb/f/sws-cms_sup/353579/ucmdb-support-tip---callhome-inventory-by-scanner-job-scheduling-slow-down-the-discovery-cycle And i want your advices. I'm using callhome jobs and Discovery jobs trought…
  • probe db increases its size 2018.11 due to posgres_db table 'ddm_discovery_results

    Hi there We face an issue with increasing disk size of probe since upgrade from 10.33 to 2018.11. The posgres-db grows very fast in size. After some days it required additonal 50GB of disk storage. The main problem seems to be in table 'ddm_discovery_results…
  • CMS 11 Discovery Issue

    I've upgraded my UCMDB version from 10.33 to 11.00, I also upgrade the content pack to CP 28. I've upgraded the Probe too. The problem appear when I want to use universal discovery. The job is running but stuck in 0% progress. I checked the WrapperProbeGw…
  • RE: SNMP discovery issues

    Do I understand correctly that Porbe2 is a Unix machine? If yes, this would explain the behavior why it fails on Probe2. Disocvery isn't possible on Unix probes and it's disabled in the code. I know, from a Unix machine we could easily do SNMP discovery…
  • Probe Integration service is not upgraded during upgrade of 10.21 to 10.22

    Hi All, we have upgraded ucmdb from 10. 21 to 10.22, followed all steps in the release document, and we have choosed option for automatically update dataflow probes. and Upgrade was successfull. But we see below issues post upgrade 1.viewsystem information…
  • Probe Integration service is not upgraded during upgrade of 10.21 to 10.22

    Hi All, we have upgraded ucmdb from 10. 21 to 10.22, followed all steps in the release document, and we have choosed option for automatically update dataflow probes. and Upgrade was successfull. But we see below issues post upgrade 1.viewsystem information…