• NTCMD discovery running on two out of three probes

    Hi! I have three probes installed on identaical Windows Server 2019. The probes are in different zones. "NTCMD Host Resources and Applications by shell" is only running on two out of three probes. In adittion I have a test environment where the probe…
  • For discovering Windows servers which protocol do you prefer?

    Afternoon all, I typically use the NTCMD protocol as it allows deeper discovery jobs to run and seems to return more TCP information. Just looking to see what other users are using and if they have any up to date pros/cons of the various connections.
  • UCMDB Tip : NTCMD: Internal error. Details: Access is denied

    NTCMD discovery may fail to work when probe is installed on Windows 2008 servers and the service is started with local system account. F ollowing error will be logged in Communication log: </CONNECT> <log start="11:29:23" severity="debug"> NTCMD: Internal…
  • RE: Experts Day Question: NTCMD Credential Check Fails Between Machines on Same Subnet

    Forgot we had to make this registry change months ago to our original probe. Adding this to our internal Wiki for future reference. Would be nice if the probe software installation made this change for us. Thanks for the solution.
  • Experts Day Question: NTCMD Credential Check Fails Between Machines on Same Subnet

    The online experts day thread states " create new posts to ask your questions ", so here is my new post. I have credentials for NTCMD discovery. I can log in to the probe and open an administrative command prompt and use those credentials to make a network…