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How to configure LDAP Integration for uCMDB 10.00



Please help me on tis ..........



thanks n advance......


  • 0



    I have it working nicely here so what's your issue? Did you look at the examles in the help?




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    To check the examples please go to Help ->UCMDB Help from main menu. Choose search and look for "Configure LDAP for Active Directory" or "LDAP Mapping". Let us know what went wrong in your case.

  • 0 in reply to 
    Good day all.

    I have the same problem setting up the LDAP integration on uCMDB 10.

    I have gone through all the help files on uCMDB itself but didn't find anything of extra use in resolving my issue.

    The issue I have is that it seems that uCMDB can log in to the LDAP & get all the user info in the logs, but can't pull the info through to the uCMDB gui, in order for me to do the group mappings.

    The error I get in the logs are :

    "returned as a result of a groups search, is not of type ldapGroup or dynamic ldapGroup"

    The groups search filter and root groups filter is as follows :


    I can unfortunately not display the OU, CN & DN details of the company, but the Group Base DN is :


    Root Groups Base DN is:


    An interesting thing I noticed is that the group we use doesn't have a group objectclass attribute.

    Will this be the issue?

    Any help would be appreciated.

    Thank you,
    Wynand De Beer.
  • 0 in reply to 
    Good day all.

    I have the same problem setting up the LDAP integration on uCMDB 10.

    I have gone through all the help files on uCMDB itself but didn't find anything of extra use in resolving my issue.

    The issue I have is that it seems that uCMDB can log in to the LDAP & get all the user info in the logs, but can't pull the info through to the uCMDB gui, in order for me to do the group mappings.

    The error I get in the logs are :

    "returned as a result of a groups search, is not of type ldapGroup or dynamic ldapGroup"

    The groups search filter and root groups filter is as follows :


    I can unfortunately not display the OU, CN & DN details of the company, but the Group Base DN is :


    Root Groups Base DN is:


    An interesting thing I noticed is that the group we use doesn't have a group objectclass attribute.

    Will this be the issue?

    Any help would be appreciated.

    Thank you,
    Wynand De Beer.