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[uCMDB] - Why it is impossible and what is the technical challenges to discover azure CI’s to on premise uCMDB?

Hi Team,

We need to discover Azure CI's from azure platform to the on-premise uCMDB but microfocus support suggested us it is impossible to discover - we wanted a technical justification what are the challenges behind that integration not possible from azure to on-premise uCMDB to discover CI's

why can not be probe installed on one vm in azure and discover CI and it will be integrated to uCMDB onpremise - for this also support suggested that both ucmdb and probe should be in same azure platform to discover - we wanted technical justification for this as well because our customer needed Azure CI need to be discovered in uCMDB in anyway, please get us know the possibilities.

Please help us by knowing/providing any format that we can provide to Azure team to collect CI data with its major/important attributes and relationships, so we can upload it in uCMDB.


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