• Mailto URL in SMAX

    HI everyone! I have a question about Custom actions in SMAX (ver 24.1) I need to prescribe a url using the mailto protocol and express language that sends an email to the mailbox with information about the incident. For example, brief description…
  • SMAX 23.4 low performance due to low NFS disk issue.

    in SMAX env. Release Version: 23.4, I have low performance issues so after troubleshooting we found that NFS disk has low performance as the screenshot. Although we have 4 workers with sufficient memory and disk space (ssd), knowing that we have 4…
  • SMA Support Assistant Installation Problems and 502 Bad Gateway Error

    Hi everyone, I'm currently upgrading SMAX from version 2022.05 to 2022.11 in an embedded kubernetes environment and have encountered several issues with the SMA Support Assistant (SMA SA). Context: Following the OMT upgrade, and as part of the Suite…
  • Unable to Perform API DELETE on Category

    I am trying to perform delete operation on category by using the POST method Body { "entities" : [ { "entity_type" : "Category" , "properties" : { "Id" : "2705609" } } ], "operation" : "DELETE" } Headers Output …
  • Unable to fetch Involved Devices Attribute Values through REST API SMAX

    Dear Experts , We are not able to fetch Involved Devices Attribute Values through REST API SMAX using GET Method . We are getting below issues . Please help to suggest how we can fetch the involved devices attribute values through REST API SMAX .
  • Duration calculation based on working hour

    Hi All, There are few question I would like to consult based on expression below: working_hours.EffectiveDuration(entity.Start_time, now(), entity.OwnedByPerson.WorkSchedule) 1. how i can use now()) timestamp? the expression giving me error 2…
  • How to create a rule that sets a DateTimePicker to now()

    I tried many different ways but in general the rule: if current_update.timenow.NewValue == true set starttime to now() and if current_update.timenow.newValue == true set timenow to false works only so far that i cant change the starttime anymore. If i…
  • unable to attach Attachment in existing tickets through REST postman API client for SMAX

    Dear Experts , We are not able to attach Attachment in existing tickets through REST postman API client for SMAX . We are getting below error while updating/add attachments with existing tickets through Postman API Client , Please let me know , where…
  • Need to suspend SLA after 4pm and it should resume the SLA automatically based on workshifts/schedule defined in SMAX

    Dear Experts , Please help to suggest below concern to make it feasible/ any workaround in SMAX. As one of customer requirement that we need to suspend SLA after 4pm and it should resume the SLA automatically based on workshifts/schedule defined in…
  • Self Service Portal - Your Requests Page - Localization

    Hello everyone, We have done localization work for catalog offerings, services and categories in Smax before. We adapted it for English and Turkish use. when the user uses the system in english, it creates the request in english, but when he comes…
  • Filter Events Error ! filter with association field (optional) not working

    Hello friends, we have a problem with SMAX 24.1. When I was writing the rule in the studio in Rendering forms event, I cannot use this option. I want to filter Service Component with RELATED Service. I wrote same rule in 23.x and older versions…
  • Create a clickable button to set time to now

    Can I create a clickable button that sets the current time, for example. I don't mean a boolean but something like a refresh button.
  • CustomActionName / CustomActionCount import export errors

    Hello, I want to import and export the Request module in SMAX 23.4 version, but I get CustomActionName and CustomActionCount error. I'm getting this on the SaaS Eu8 farm. Error details. Package: metadata Customization1 (1)Metadata element Request…
  • how to restricted the solution provided to "Requested for " only when the request if raised using "Request of Behalf" Option

    Present behavior of the system : When we raise a request using the option "Request of behalf". The solution validation notification goes to both "requested for" and "requested by". The requirement : when we raise a request using "request of behalf"…
  • Abandon request as soon as an Approval or Taskplan fails

    hello, is there a way to move a request directly to the "Abandon" phase once an approval is rejected or the task plan fails?
  • Attachment download fail for customized workflow on service portal approval

    Hello team, We have challenge to view attachments for customized workflow on service portal approval after smax upgrade from 2021.05 to 2021.08 with below error. can you assist please {"reason":"Given final block not properly padded. Such issues…
  • Bug in mobile app? (ESM)

    Hello, If a request is submitted from a mobile application (ESM version 2023.05.01 ), the value of the specified "Title" field will not be displayed in the SMAX (2022.11). The value of the selected "Offering" will be entered in the "Title" field.…
  • How to stop calculated during weekends

    Hello we have a calculated field that we want to stop functioning after a certain time we use phase duration for the template, is there a way to do this?
  • Configure fields shown in Requested For

    Hello all, Is there a way to configure the attributes that are shown in the dropdown list on the Requested for field (or any field linking to a Person entity) in the Service Portal? What I mean by attributes is, for example, when you open a field…
  • Token Expiry for REST call from SMAX

    Hello Experts, Customer trying to call REST API of VROPs to POST few attributes. They are facing issue with token which is getting expired again and again. Do we need to set any specific condition in SMAX business rule ? Please let me know. I…
  • How to fetch the Complex type attribute values like IP Address of a Device?

    How to parse Complex types in SMAX ?
  • How to eliminate .id in exported xls report

    How to eliminate .id in exported xls report, which was not selected in column by user
  • Clone all data from Production Tenant on Smax1 to Prod Tenant on SMAX2

    We need to clone all data (Incident records - People - Groups - Categories - Services - Devices ....etc) from Production Tenant on SMAX Suite 1 to another separated Production Tenant on SMAX Suite 2
  • Convert Contacts to Users

    Dears, Appreciate your help with how to convert imported LDAP contact (using OPB) to SMAX users Automatically . In the past, the OPB LDAP integration imported them as SMAX users directly. But not they were imported as contact and we need to convert…
  • SMAX Custom Domain - Multiple Entries

    SMA: 2022.05 Is it possible to more than one Custom Domain for a SMAX Tenant? We're taking over the a DNS entry and want it to point to a SMAX Tenant that already has a custom domain. I'm hoping not to have to put an Apache HTTP Server with a…