• Integration Studio - Filtering a JSON (SMAX 24.1)

    In Integration Studio I'm having a syntax issue trying to filter a json to extract an element. In the sample json below, abbreviated for simplicity, I need to extract the endDate where the entitlementType=='INITIAL' && serviceLevelCode=='ND'. I had…
  • Retriveing email from GMAIL API and add to SMAX Service Request

    We currently use CIT ro read email from GMAIL via Internet IMAP connector and insert that into SMAX. We have to use "Less secure apps' configuration on the malbox to be ble to access the email with user name and password. Google will soon depricate…
  • SMAX Integration engine: JSON Parser for attributes with dots

    Hi, We are preparing integration with one of our customer internal system, which should send a data do SMAX Integ engine listener. Unfortunately the attributes has complex names e.g. {" latestEvent.application.name ": "XXXX"} What is please the correct…
  • Integration Studio - Data from records and business rules in 24.1

    Hi, Is there a way to obtain data from the record or Studio, specifically "current_user", into flows inside the Integration Studio on SMAX version 24.1? I'm aware an "inputs" option exists for Integration Studio Business Rules in 24.2, however I…
  • Integration engine: Receiving attachments on listener?

    Hi, Is it please possible to receive the attachments from external system as an update along with other update information through generated listener endpoint in the integration engine? Thank you very much for your help!
  • Send Email directly from Integration Studio

    Hello, We are using Integration Engine (studio) for few requirements, and it is working fine. The need is to notify certain/set of people when Integration Studio scenario fails to update a record. (for now, we are updating the Ticket and then using…
  • Attachments via Integration Studio

    Hello all, Requirement is: Add attachment(s) to a ticket using Integration Studio. I am able to do below tasks. Retrieving attachment metadata and contents from the source. Add them into the SMAX and get ID of it. Now, as a last step I need…
  • need to integrate obm with 2 smax tenants, is this doable and how?

    we have 2 tenants on SMAX and one OBM, on smax tenant is successfully integrated with OBM, but since OBM is not multi-tenant, during the second tenant integration with the same OBM an error occures as the screenshot. How to solve this issue ?
  • Integration engine - "Store Data"

    The Store Data, Common tool allows to store data across scenarios or scopes. It referes to that stored data, that it will expire and get deleted. I can't find any documentation in relation to the expiry/deletion functionality ( https://docs.microfocus…
  • Integration Engine - GET HTTP with Binary Data (failing)

    Hi Experts, HELP needed (end goal) - how to accept the incoming PNG file, and save it into an Incident (as attachment). Right now, unable to accept the incoming png file. Env - SMAX SaaS. --- I've got this googleapi which responds w/ a QR code…
  • SMAX integration with Sales Force Slack

    SMAX provides a one way integration studio template for Sales Force Slack, i.e use case, Major Incident, send a message to a Slack Channel. https://docs.microfocus.com/doc/ESM/SaaS/IntegrateSlack . I have set this up succesfully. I now want to set up…
  • Integration Engine - parse_date

    the engine has a DSL function - https://docs.microfocus.com/doc/ESM/SaaS/XIESupportedDSLFunctions#parse_date It parses a string date format to epoch time. But I need to parse the SMAX date values which in an ems rest get, is provided in epoch time…
  • Integration Engine - JIRA Integration

    In the JIRA integration Standard template for setting initial parameters am I setting the JIRA URL corrently for the get_endpoint_info function (highlighted in green below) thi sis set in teh Default parameters of the Defect Tracking template because…
  • Integration Studio - json_parser usage

    I am trying to parse a response from SMAX using.... json_parser(response.data, '$.result.Id') and I get the result {"incidentComment":{"Id": null }} The following is the respone detail returned by SMAX, and highlighted in yellow is what I want…
  • Integration Studio syntax for Local System action EMS Rest API / Get record .... Filters

    I want to add a filter on a rest call but I am unsure of the syntax to use: For example: I use this - 'I d= \"' + payload.entityId +' \'' ...BUT why \double quote and sinlge quote at the beginning (green highlight) and then \2x single quotes at…
  • Preparing data, comparing data, in SMAX Integration engine / studio

    I want to do the following, point 2 is my query... Pull a date/time from an external system - yes this is OK I can do this with a rest query to that system compare that external system date/time with the current date/tme - I am not sure how to do…
  • Smax Integration Engine Get Record Connector

    Hello, I will make an inbound integration between two different smax suite environments with smax integration studio. I want to pull all the person data in a tenant and select the records with employeeStatus=inactive and make certain actions. but…