• Integration Studio - PKIX Path Error for generic REST rules using SMAX endpoint

    Hi everyone, After upgrading from SMAX 24.1 to 24.4, we encountered an issue with Integration Studio. We have scenarios using a SMAX endpoint connected to the same tenant, mapped to both a SMAX connector and a Generic connector. Since the upgrade…
  • integration studio scenario is terminated

    i have SMAX 24.3 installed on embedded kubernetes. i have configured integration studio scenario to loop on the organizational person groups (from parents to childs and childs of childs) to add some relations there. when the scenario is triggered from…
  • sentMessagesIdentifiers in database

    Hi, We need to cleanup table from data, we looking for "sentMessagesIdentifiers". Were is location this table in database, I can not find it?
  • SMAX 23.4 low performance due to low NFS disk issue.

    in SMAX env. Release Version: 23.4, I have low performance issues so after troubleshooting we found that NFS disk has low performance as the screenshot. Although we have 4 workers with sufficient memory and disk space (ssd), knowing that we have 4…
  • end point configuration

    I am getting outbound error while testing the email endpoint I have also created 2 folders (processed and errors) in the mail box, some of the mails were stored in those folders, but still requests are not created in smax. In SMAX request dashboard…
  • Looking more details for RELATION_LAYOUT.item

    In one of the video from OpenText/MicroFocus regarding integration studio, the presenter used REST API like below /rest/<tenant id>/ems/Incident?layout=FULL_LAYOUT, RELATION_LAYOUT.item &filter= I saw the option RELATION_LAYOUT.item for the first…
  • Integration Scheduler export / import

    Dear Community, Is it possible to copy Integration Scheduler jobs between SMAX tenants? I need to copy more than ten tasks between tenants, but I can't find an export/import option. I can do export/import for Integrations, but I can't find it for…
  • Attachment exchange between SMAX and ServiceNow system

    Dear All, In one of our project, we have requirement to fetch tickets from ServiceNow system along with attachment. We are able to retrieve tickets from SNOW that is first part of requirement. Can anyone help us on fetching attachment as well along…
  • Integration scalable?

    Dear Community, Is integration engine scalable? Does one pod manage the entire integration interface? (itom-sma-xie-deployment-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxx) Is it possible to run more of xie pod and split tasks between pods? thx Tamas
  • need to integrate obm with 2 smax tenants, is this doable and how?

    we have 2 tenants on SMAX and one OBM, on smax tenant is successfully integrated with OBM, but since OBM is not multi-tenant, during the second tenant integration with the same OBM an error occures as the screenshot. How to solve this issue ?
  • SMAX integration with Microsoft Service Mager

    Hello! Has anyone integrated SMAX with Microsoft Service Manager or any other service desk? Any recommendations or documentation that you can share with me. (I require the creation of an incident in CMAX and the update in both systems.) I would…
  • Using Existing Classic Operations Orchestration With SMAX 24.1

    Hi, We are looking to upgrade our current SMAX installation to version 24.1, and noticed that there is no supported classic OO version in the support matrix (found here: https://docs.microfocus.com/integration/Operations_Orchestration/all/Service_Management_Automation_X…
  • Manage / Clear Endpoint Queue of REST Executor 2.0 endpoint

    Hi All, We encountered an issue with OPB Agent couple of weeks ago and SMS integration using "Rest Executor 2.0" endpoint also got impacted, which has now been successfully resolved. However, as a consequence of the disruption, all pending records from…
  • tenant down after ucmdb integration

    Hello all, We are trying to integrate smax 23.4 and ucmdb via obp agent. After the first sync smax tenant is not accesible. ucmdb pushed all data succesfully but smax tenant is down i guess :) error is {"httpStatus":500,"message":"Context filtering…
  • SMAX 2023.05 - Not able to delete the Integration from XIE and the details are all showing up blank

    Hi, We had a working integration scenario in production in SMAX 2023.05 P3 (on premise embedded k8s version) until we imported another scenario from the development environment to both preprod and prod environment. Strangely enough, we had no issues…
  • Can we integrate OBM with SMAX to populate CI from OBM to SMAX?

    Hello Experts, Can we integrate OBM with SMAX to populate CI from OBM to SMAX? We can have OPB agent to integrate with OBM to generate incidents in SMAX, but do we have any workaround to push CI from OBM to SMAX? Regards Hemanth
  • Connect-it 9.90 Update Manager Fields

    Hello Everyone! We encountered an issue while updating the "Manager" field in SMAX using Connect-it. Previously, we had integration with LDAP through the OPB agent. However, after upgrading to the new version of SMAX, we lost the ability to create users…
  • Token Expiry for REST call from SMAX

    Hello Experts, Customer trying to call REST API of VROPs to POST few attributes. They are facing issue with token which is getting expired again and again. Do we need to set any specific condition in SMAX business rule ? Please let me know. I…
  • How to update Active Directory user attributes based on SMAX offering automatically?

    I know there is integration through secure LDAP with Active Directory in SMAX for importing users/contacts as well as authentication, but I am curious if anyone has set up an automated integration for UPDATING Active Directory user attributes via secure…
  • Send SMS notification to requester.

    I want to send an SMS notification to a requester of a specific offering, I have the SMS API, but how may I call it?
  • Email error message change

    Hello friends. I need to change the email notification when the email request opening is greater than 2bm. Would anyone know to inform me if it is possible and where I can change the message. Thanks.
  • Issue with setting up SMAX-Teams integration (Authentication failed)

    Hi, We have tried to set-up integration between MS Teams and SMAX (2022.05) according to the MF technical documentation ( docs.microfocus.com/.../IntegrateMSTeamsThroughIntegrationHub ), but unfortunately it failed in the last step (step number 9),…
  • SMAX import of users through - Active Directory integration ( AD ) towards multiple Azure (3) and On-premise (14) Active Directories

    Hello, We have an old active directory integration based on php and pyton scripts, where we have integrated towards 14 on-prem AD's and 2-Azure AD's at once. This is hell to maintain, and not very futuristic/forward-looking We are wondering if there is…
  • How do you add credentials to the OPB using the command line, for email integration EWS?

    I'm trying to follow the instructions at https://docs.microfocus.com/doc/SMAX/2022.05/EmailIntegrationEWS#Add_email_integration_credentials_to_the_OPB_agent to try and add the credentials properly, but I need to be able to do this using a command line…
  • Knowledge Management Integration with SharePoint - Review Workflow

    Hi, My company ais planning to integrate our Intranet Sharepoint site with SMA-X so our documented working instructions can be indexed searched and accessed. My quesiton is how does this affect the review process for articles? Can these SharePoint…