• Missing "Define suggested values based on filter"

    Hi, We are using SMAX as SaaS and upgraded to latest version on 17th Nov. I cannot find below rendering rule set in Studio "Processes and Rules" or offering "Rules" Is this removed or is it moved to any other section?
  • Relate multiple assets to requests using User Options

    Hello experts, I'm looking for a way to relate multiple assets (devices, infrastructure & peripherals, etc.) to a service request using either User Options or the New Request form on the agent side. Our specific scenario is this: We have a service offering…
  • Phase Id Field Has Become Unique - "Duplicate key violation"

    Hi, I'm unable to create multiple records in a custom record due to a "Duplicate key violation" error on the "Phase Id" field, which appears to be enforcing uniqueness unexpectedly. The exact error that's displayed is " Duplicate key violation: field…
  • Integration Studio - Filtering a JSON (SMAX 24.1)

    In Integration Studio I'm having a syntax issue trying to filter a json to extract an element. In the sample json below, abbreviated for simplicity, I need to extract the endDate where the entitlementType=='INITIAL' && serviceLevelCode=='ND'. I had…
  • Modify SACM Home

    Hi, Is it now possible to modify the SACM Home Page to include tiles for different device subtypes (e.g., printers)? I saw this question asked 4 years ago, but the capability wasn't available at the time. Has this feature been added since then? …
  • can we disbale some dropdown of status field completion code in request form

    hi team, can we disbale some dropdown of status field completion code in request form please find the screenshtot below
  • Integration Studio - Data from records and business rules in 24.1

    Hi, Is there a way to obtain data from the record or Studio, specifically "current_user", into flows inside the Integration Studio on SMAX version 24.1? I'm aware an "inputs" option exists for Integration Studio Business Rules in 24.2, however I…
  • Attachments via Integration Studio

    Hello all, Requirement is: Add attachment(s) to a ticket using Integration Studio. I am able to do below tasks. Retrieving attachment metadata and contents from the source. Add them into the SMAX and get ID of it. Now, as a last step I need…