Currently working in SMAX 24.4
I know that it's not supported to create custom OLA target types related to groups where just Time in Group is supported (currently used for Resolution Targets for the groups).
But currently I have a requirement to set & measure also response time for every group reassignment on incident and as I understand this is not something I can do in SMAX SLM module.
Requirement description: When incident is reassigned to next Expert Group in Ready status, set response deadline based on priority (30min for Priority 1, 60min for Priority 2, 1 day for lower priorities) where response is achieved when status changed to other value than Ready or incident reassigned to another group. When Incident will later return back to the group already participated on the incident before, this response measure must run again from 0 (not continue above previous assignment response time).
I tried to investigate if custom SLA target type with custom Execute an SLT operation rules could be used, but there is no way how to reset the already measured time on every reassignment, so this is not the way.
It seams such requirement is currently impossible to fulfill in SMAX or could somebody recommend me some way?