When submitting an offering from the portal, the order of sections in the User Options is messed up

When creating an offering, I am creating sections, then adding a lot of fields, in between adding one or two sections and then adding fields again. 

The order from top to bottom is basically this: 

- Section1

- Section2

- Field

- Field

- Field

- Section3

- Field

- Field

- FIeld

Once the offering is submitted and a request is generated, all of the sections go first, then follow the fields. The order is not as defined in the offering. Is there a way to change this? Is this some kind of a bug or is this working as designed? If it is as designed than it does not make any sense to use sections at all. 


  • Verified Answer


    Hi Sofia,

    The reason you are seeing the display not showing as you'd expect is that the fields are being placed within the top level for where you are placing the sections. So when you view the Offering details within the request it shows the sections first and then the fields. When you add a field you'll see the following:

    If you just choose the -- Select Item and click Ok to add a field. That field is at the same level as the sections you've created and each can move up and down accordingly.

    A way to create the look you want to achieve both within the Portal and from the Request record is to use Groups within the Sections. Then place the fields within the Groups.

    section 1

    Section 2

    -Group 1

    --Field 1

    --Field 2

    --Field 3

    Section 3

    -Group 2



    You'd then see something like this in the request:

    Hope that helps

  • Verified Answer


    Hi Sofia,

    The reason you are seeing the display not showing as you'd expect is that the fields are being placed within the top level for where you are placing the sections. So when you view the Offering details within the request it shows the sections first and then the fields. When you add a field you'll see the following:

    If you just choose the -- Select Item and click Ok to add a field. That field is at the same level as the sections you've created and each can move up and down accordingly.

    A way to create the look you want to achieve both within the Portal and from the Request record is to use Groups within the Sections. Then place the fields within the Groups.

    section 1

    Section 2

    -Group 1

    --Field 1

    --Field 2

    --Field 3

    Section 3

    -Group 2



    You'd then see something like this in the request:

    Hope that helps

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