Expression Evalution Failed in Article

While creating an new Artical or News an error appear "Expression Evalution Failed ". Then I figure out this error appear because am in multi groups. when I am in one group this error not appearing and I can create normally. So my question is how i can avoid this error even if i am in multi groups?

  • Suggested Answer


    Hi Fatima,

    I suggest it's worth looking at the Processes and Rules for Article in Studio. Is there any rule(s) in there that has been setup to prevent certain actions from taking place based upon group. Are the Groups that you have assigned using the OOTB roles or are they custom built roles?

    I know I've added a Custom role to a Group along with an OOTB role. One has Article create one doesn't. As both roles are assigned to the Group I still have permission to create a News Article.

    The fact that you are seeing the Expression Evaluation Failed, says there is a Business Rule which is failing. The fact that it works when one group is assigned and not multi groups would suggest its based upon certain groups having permission to do an action. As to what I can't say but that is what the error seems to be pointing to.



  • Suggested Answer


    Hi Fatima,

    I suggest it's worth looking at the Processes and Rules for Article in Studio. Is there any rule(s) in there that has been setup to prevent certain actions from taking place based upon group. Are the Groups that you have assigned using the OOTB roles or are they custom built roles?

    I know I've added a Custom role to a Group along with an OOTB role. One has Article create one doesn't. As both roles are assigned to the Group I still have permission to create a News Article.

    The fact that you are seeing the Expression Evaluation Failed, says there is a Business Rule which is failing. The fact that it works when one group is assigned and not multi groups would suggest its based upon certain groups having permission to do an action. As to what I can't say but that is what the error seems to be pointing to.



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