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suite-admin - Password expired. Please contact the admin to reset your password.



It seems the suite-admin user password is expired. When trying to login to hostname/bo and trying to use the suite-admin user, we get a new page where we're asked to change the password. Even when entering a totally new password, we keep getting the message:

"Password expired. Please contact the admin to reset your password."

Tried to login to the ITOM Management portal, using the admin user, then accessing Idm Administration console. From here, tried to reset the suite_admin (although it's a different user, I'm guessing it's suite-admin), remove the password, but each time we go back and try to log, we keep getting the message in the title.


Is there any command line we can use to force the password to be reset?

Best regards,


  • Verified Answer



    I had the same problem in an earlier version we used and got the reply from Micro Focus support that in versions earlier than 2019.05 there is not a way to reset the password from the gui. Strange but true

    But for 2019.05 and later, this should work:


    For versions earlier than 2019.05 I got this guide from Micro Focus support to reset the password:


    Reset the password from the command line:

    First you need to expose a service (and port) to external

    Create the file postgres-suite-expose.yaml with this content
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Service
     name: postgres-suite-expose
     type: NodePort
     - port: 5432
       targetPort: 5432
       nodePort: 35433                 <------- node port
      name: pgpool                     <------- selector condition
    Start the service: 

    kubectl create -f postgres-suite-expose.yaml -n itsma1


    1.     Kubectl get ns (take note of itsma name)

    2.     kubectl get pods -n itsma-(from step 1) | grep idm

    3.     kubectl exec -it idm-(from step 2) -n itsma-(from step 1)  -c idm sh

    4.     psql -U idm -h (fqdn of localhost) -p (node port from the exposed service)

    5.     select * from Database_User where name like 'suite-admin';

    6.     select name,password from Database_User where name like 'suite%';

    7.     update database_user set password='D9 T/1Khc6LmT9tLhwyJ8oFsIReGsQEzrkXW pjHGPY=', salt='Zdgxptm0OnwjJEFgL5MQeWbNJ9aThG/SyIvCvvuUI E=' where name='suite-admin';

    8.     commit;


    Then password will be Admin_1234

    (Micro Focus support can give more information regarding the subject)


  • Suggested Answer

    0 in reply to 

    There is typo in the above command, 

    the working one is below : 

    update database_user set password='D9+T/1Khc6LmT9tLhwyJ8oFsIReGsQEzrkXW+pjHGPY=', salt='Zdgxptm0OnwjJEFgL5MQeWbNJ9aThG/SyIvCvvuUI+E=' where name='suite-admin';


  • 0   in reply to 

    I can confirm this solution is valid up to 2021.05

    One point that may cause trouble (specially if the password was expired): this method doesn't change the values of modified_date, password_renew_date and password_expired_date. Consider to manually change those values in the DB as well if you have problems with just password and salt