• personalization forget your password Service manager

    Hello community In a client, the option to forget their password is enabled and they are requesting to modify the configuration so that it does not take the data from the contact's email but from a different field. Performing the validations, a SL forgetpassword…
  • Service Manager - Create Incident with column "External incident number"

    Hi, I want to create a new Incident using REST API in Service Manager API Body: { "Incident" :{ "Category" : "Incident" , "Service" : "A11" , "CCX" : "ATLAS Patlas MAJMPIN" , "Environnement" : "DEV" , "ExternalIncidentNumber" : …
  • Service Manager Environment Refresh.

    Hello Experts, I would like to get some suggestions from the community experts about SM environment refresh. Our client is have four SM environments PROD,Staging,DEV, QA. We would like to replicate the PROD updates to all lower environments. I know…
  • SM 9.64 return from IDOl to Solr

    Hi. I accidentally enabled smart analytics in service manager 9.64. But we did not buy this license. The documentation says that after enabling smart analytics, you cannot return to the search engine search engine: docs.microfocus.com/.../SetupSmIdolConnection…
  • Create an OPB connection

    In the documentation here: ITOM Practitioner Portal (microfocus.com) It states under the CREATE section https://docs.microfocus.com/doc/ESM/SaaS/OpbInstallLinux#:~:text=secret.property%20%3CPARAMETER_VALUE%3E-,create,-Creates%20a%20credentials …
  • Configuration of SSL for SM URLS (HTTPS)

    hello, we have installed a new setup of SM and we want to now make the accessing SM url from HTTP to HTTPS using digicert certificate. kindly help me how to do it and dont need any other ssl configurations as in documentation its about more confusing…
  • Create processus to change incident phase

    Hi experts, I need some help about adding button to incidents record that changes phase and states, its already exist in change module but i want to add it in incident module for admin role I dont know if a rad application or processus is already…
  • when creating a new problem, how to force user to use "apply template" before manually filling the fields.

    Hello Experts, I am trying to accomplish a task where, when the user clicks "Create New Problem" from the left-hand menu, it should take the user to "Apply template" option directly and from there based on the selected template, the new problem form…
  • tooltip option

    is there any possibility to add tooltip in service manager.
  • Is there a way to show the number of records at report's dashboard title?

    And what about show a "New!" string at the report's dashboard title as well to drag user attention to a new ticket? A red dot like "hey, you have a new message!" could do the trick.
  • SM 9.7 Windows client installation fails with java.lang.ClassCastException: Flexeraart cannot be cast to Flexeraasv

    Hello, I'm using SM 9.7 client on windows server 2019. The installation as administrator fails with the below exeption : java.lang.ClassCastException: Flexeraart cannot be cast to Flexeraasv at com.zerog.ia.installer.LifeCycleManager.a2(Unknown Source…
  • Build SM Native Mobile App

    Hi Everyone. I want to build Native Mobile App for Service Manager 9.70 (not use Mobile App for SMAX) for use some basic features in SD, IM, Device module such a view, add, update ticket. So if anyone have an idea for this case, please share me some…
  • Few questions about Service Manager

    Hello, I'm asked to answer following questions reg Service Manager. May I kindly ask for your help? B_21 The administrative interface is not accessible to untrusted sites. B_22 Integration with password managers…
  • catalog not able to display one category

    SRC page not able to show up a new Catalog Item. I am struggling. I deleted cache in SRC version** fine under secure. The same category shows in SM catalog but not in SRC page