HPSM question about implementing an Affected Service when opening an Interaction that is available to all Companies

Hello All,

Our organization uses HPSM 9.33. We want to introduce new Affected Services that, upon opening an Interaction, are available to every Company and Contact in it.

Currently, I can enter Affected Services through the HPSM interface only by previously describing: Service Contract, SLA, SLO, Business Service, Configuration Item Relationships, Contact, Department, and Subscription. In our database, we have over 12,000 Companies with the corresponding amount of Departments in each of them, which makes it impossible to introduce general Affected Services for all Companies in the manner above.

We currently have only one common Affected Service in HPSM for all Companies that was introduced with the product rollout - "STANDARD SERVICE", but I don't know how.

My question is - what is the way to add the Affected Service so that it is visible to all Companies and Departments without having to enter Affected Service for each Company, Department, Subscription, etc. as I described above?

Thanks everyone!