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SBM 12.1 SMTP 'Send test email' JCommander error

The issue:
SBM Configurator > Mail Services > "Send test email"
Regardless of the destination email address,
I get the attached error, whose text is:
"Failed to send test emai: Exception in thread "main"
Please refer to the Ulity log for more information."

Is the SBM defect D27728 which was reported against SBM 11.8 still ongoing in SBM 12.1?
KB link:
Is there a workaround?

I'm utilizing Java JDK 8 for SBM.
I'm on SBM version 12.1.
More specifically:
Suite version:

-Joshua Trosclair

The error message: 

  • Verified Answer


    Hi  , yes, this defect still exists in the current version of SBM. It is a lower priority defect and was pushed out a bit. The message is confusing and a little misleading. It is only the test that is failing. This does not mean that real emails out will fail. It only means that the test failed. Ignore the test for now and continue on with the rest of your notification tests. 

    Hope that helps,
