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SBM AppScript to pull ts_name, ts_telephone, and ts_email from the table ts_users into text fields Name, Phone, and Email on submit page from a project

We currently have over 32,000 "Enterprise Service Requests" items. On the submit forms we fill out Name, Phone, and Email. But the database already has our Name, Phone, and Email. How would I write a AppScript pull our information when the user fields are "(auto)" or "(current user)" rather than "Last Name, First Name" or "Doe, John". I was trying to map out how we would connect our project table with the users table to auto populate our text fields. This is what I got. Any thoughts? Am I wrong and how?

//match user ID
table: usr_enterprise_services_requ
field: ts_submitter

Is equal to

table: ts_users
field: ts_id


//Autofill text field
table: ts_users
field: ts_name


table: usr_enterprise_services_requ
field: ts_name

//Autofill text field
table: ts_users
field: ts_email


table: usr_enterprise_services_requ
field: ts_reqestor_email

//Autofill text field
table: ts_users
field: ts_telephone


table: usr_enterprise_services_requ
field: ts_phone_number

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    Hi Tyler, 

    If you have your user information in TS_CONTACTS or other auxiliary table, why not add single relational field to this process app that links to the other table?  Then, you could add sub-relational fields for address, email, etc that link to the single relational record.

    If you select multiple users, then you can use a multi-relational field and use an embedded report to display the various users.



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    What do you want to do with the Name, Phone, Email, etc information?  Display it in items?  Display or filter by in Reports?  Use it as Notification recipient?  Use it to assign item ownership?

    On each item, how many people are being "captured" by Name/phone/email?

    Does everyone being "captured" have an account in SBM?