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SBM SIG meeting for September 2020

And the hits keep comin'!  Our next meeting will be on September 22nd, 2020 and we’ve created two sessions to accommodate our global customers:

Tuesday, September 22nd at 7:00 am Pacific Time

Tuesday, September 22nd at 4:00 pm Pacific Time

Just click on your desired time to register. Our expected topics will focus on SBM in the Cloud or Containers (or both!) for this September SIG:

  • SBM as a Service - I've looked at clouds from both sides now...
  • SBM in containers - Platform as a Service now - on-premise soon!
  • Migrating from on-prem to on-demand: Pick it up, put it in the cloud (bump, bump).


If you have any questions you'd like answered during the SIG, feel free to post them here as a reply and we'll include them in the presentation or Q&A.

Looking forward to connecting,