• Change logo in Browser Tab

    Using Can i change the Serena logo in the browser tab to be my own logo. I have read the KB articles and know how to change the logo pretty much everywhere else but cannot see how to edit the browser logo. Thanks Lee
  • How to integrate our application User Guide on login screen and on help button ?

    Hello Team, Could you please help us to add user guide on below locations (please find the attachment) ? 1. on Login page 2. help button after login into the system Please find the attachments
  • SBM not sending notifications

    Our SBM instance is installed in a VM where is has been working fine. Recently it was moved into another host and suddenly the notifications stoped. The log shows the last message sent at 19:10 and then there is nothing going on up until next day at 00…
  • Application Repository admin default password

    Hi! I'm installing SBM in a test environment and when opening the Application Repository (in my case localhost:8085/.../) I can't login because of unknown admin's password. I've read the installation guide, but there is no hint as of what the password…
  • Non-License Emails

    Is there a way to add emails to send notifications to with out using licenses?
  • SBM Installation for demo

    I'm trying to install SBM in a demo environment. My goal is to do the most simple installation. When following the installation guide, I see that I can use the "smaple database" that will populate some configuraiton. My question is: If I use the…
  • Unable to change shell_logo.png

    Hello All, I just ran through the upgrade of our Development environment from to . Prior to the upgrade I had a custom shell_logo.png and favicon.ico for branding. After the upgrade I noticed that the custom shell_logo.png and favicon…
  • Auto transition with form to be filled - Warning messages

    Hello! I'm trying to perform an transition with form which needs to be filled by validating couple of binary fields through Action wizard for another quick transition. Once the condition is met through quick transition, it should perform the transition…
  • I receive the following error in my notification log

    ERROR 17-07-2015 01:02:00 [Notifications] -- An error occurred while adding an event to the Events table and followed by we get some error like Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Violation of UNIQUE KEY constraint 'TC_UNIQUE_XXX'. Cannot insert duplicate…
  • Multiple Projects Single Process App/Workflow?

    I'm looking at the Service Request application for SRC 5.1.1 and I'm noticing that in SBM administrator after I've deployed the application there are multiple sub-projects under Request Center. What confuses me is that In my experience I've seen that…