• How to customize Help link

    For the workcenter site which looks like this: web.site.fqdn.com/.../tmtrack.dll my customer asked me to change the "Help" menu link from: docs.microfocus.com/.../SBM_Work_Center to: a custom link to a .pdf page they want their customers to see instead…
  • Default Fields in SBM Report

    In SBM Workcenter: Is it possible to change the default fields when creating a report? Issue ID and Title are always preset (see screenshot). Is it possible to extend this selection so that more fields appear as default in a new report?
  • Silly question .... Is there an "official" name for Composer String Builder Tool strings?

    No doubt you've used the "String Builder" feature of Composer to enter strings like " {Item Id[ID]} ", " {_TableId} " or " {_RecordId} " into Form Actions or elsewhere. The String Builder tool can provide different kinds of values for data Fields, item…
  • How to convert "Shell.Params()" to a ChaiScript "Map" object?

    The ModScript docs for the Dictionary object say: A class for supporting dictionary objects in scripts that are converted from SBM AppScript to SBM ModScript. A dictionary is a case sensitive key-value container. In general, use ChaiScript's Map…
  • ModScript : how do I add another "string" constructor??

    I'd like to have a ModScript "string" constructor that will handle a VBScript String like this: var str_PostData1 = string(Shell.PostData()); For the time being I'm doing this, but I'd like to learn how to do write my own constructors. ModScript needs…
  • ModScript question - Map object '.insert" method doesn't seem to work as documented

    I attempted to solve this through tech support but failed. Lines 4 and 5 reassign the variable "mymap_pair2". Why does this fail? Lines 11 and 12 attempt to add a Map_Pair object to a Map. According to the documentation this should be a valid operation…
  • ModScript - Reference function parameters?

    Hi! I'm trying to implement in-place mergesort in ModScript. For this, I want to pass a vector by reference, but the validator fails. What am I missing? def merge( Vector& v, int l, int m, int r) { if (l == r) { return; } var vecL = [];…
  • When Will the Next Release of SBM Occur?

    I cannot seem to find a product roadmap for SBM so I am not sure when the next .("dot") release is scheduled nor the next full version. Can someone provide this information?
  • What is the format of the "TS_CONTENTS" field in TS_FILE_OBJS and TS_FILE_OBJS_TEMP tables?

    When using a File type field, the file added frequently a unique file name in the "TS_CONTENTS" field in the TS_FILE_OBJS_TEMP and TS_FILE_OBJS tables. The unique name seems to have the format " [original filename]_[Item Table ID]_[Item Record ID]_[Add…
  • Preventing users from using the "search" feature to view content they shouldn't be allowed to see

    This might be a non-problem ..... We're considering allowing users to attach files to items, either via file attachments or via several "File" field types in the item. In the past we have prevented attachments because our system is mainly paper-based…
  • Create a Mailto-Link for HTMLJavascript widget without opneing a new browser tab

    Hi there, i want to show on my form a HTMLJavascriptwidget to open the (win)mail-client directly. With this code the Browser shows a new-tab-warning an opens a new empty browsertab: <a href="mailto:testmail@iabc.de" target="" extlink="true">Testmail…
  • Obscure/advanced AppScript question .... deleting an item related to other items...

    We have 2 Primary tables with 3 different types of items: In primary table Shipping_Pkgs we have a " Shipping_Manifest " type item and a " Manifest_Line " type item. In the 2nd primary table (Envelopes) we have Envelope type items. The user creates…
  • Follow-Up for the "drag & drop file upload in SBM"

    There was once a post regarding this topic here: RE: Drag & Drop file uploading in SBM But this post doen't seem to have any attachments any more (or i didn't found them). So I created my own drag & drop upload feature for SBM. Basic idea: Create a…
  • Populate a combo-box using a 3rd party API

    Hi, I want to populate the data of a combo-box in my SBM application by calling a 3rd party API that returns JSON data, I tried using javascript but I was not able to get the combo-box id out of InitFieldLookup which is being generated automatically by…
  • Do changes from the SBM Composer overwrite previous manual changes in the Application Administrator?

    Do changes from the SBM Composer overwrite previous manual changes in the Application Administrator? For example, a change to the field requirement in the Application Administrator? Example: If I change a field requirement in the Application Administrator…
  • Deleting states in SBM Composer - what happens to the items that were in the now deleted state?

    Hello everybody, I want to modify a workflow with the SBM Composer. If I delete a state, but there are still current items in this state in the SBM Workcenter, what happens to these items? Will they be deleted or transferred to another state? Or what…
  • How can I create a clickable popup-window in transition?

    Hi there, I'm using SBM 12.1 for a few month now. My customer asked me to show in a transition form a button(like cancel and delete). If this button would be clicked, a popup should appear, with a text like "do you really want to cancel, all fields…
  • How do I determine a user's locale, calendar or timezone when not specified in User account??

    A user account has settings for their locale, preferred calendar and timezone. Those same settings are available in a group's "preferences" settings and can, theoretically, apply to all members of that group. In addition, the SBM AE server's TimeZone…
  • JSON API Error Message:Exception occurred while starting transition, privilege denied

    We are getting the error message "JSON API Error Message:Exception occurred while starting transition, privilege denied" in our new 12.1 Environment. But This was working in SBM 11,7 Environment! We are performing upgrade from 11.7 to 12,1 in separate…
  • Custom The Error Message Of A Required Field

    Hi! Can I custom the error message that's shown for a required field in the SBM Javascript? E.g: Thanks
  • SBM Notifications Operators

    Hi! We use the SBM notifications to execute some sripts and transitions automatically, I have a case where I need to add (is not equal to) operator but I couldn't find it in the operators drop down list. Is there any way to add this operator to the list…
  • JavaScript SetFieldValue on Single Selection

    I am struggling to get my JavaScript to work. What am I missing? REQUEST_STATUS has 4 attributes. When the form is submitted, I am wanting REQUEST_STATUS to go to "Pending". Once its assigned "Working". When closed "Complete". All else "Open". …
  • Transition in subtask if update in parent

    Hello! I have a parent workflow that creates subtasks (via ModScript) if a specific transition is clicked. The number of subtasks created is based on the number of selected items of another table (Multi-Relational). Problem: If the user updates the…
  • Variable handling

    Variable handling I am programming a script in appscript. executes in an action in an SBM form. the execution ends in the execution of a .bat with parameters. The first inconvenience is the value of one of these variables (description,of type text), which…
  • SBM 12.1 - Enhancements

    Good afternoon, Yesterday SBM 12.1 was released. We and our customers have been waiting a long time for this new version. But now we are surprised to see only the following list of improvements in Release Notes: Work Center Improvements Added…