Roles - Owner


I am creating a new workflow and I need to set the owner of a few states to a role that we don't already have.  So I created a new role in Composer and set the owner to that new role.  In Administrator, I added users to that role.

I then published so I could test.  When the workflow got to the state, where it should list the owner, it says "(None)."  Is there some other step I missed?

On a related note, when I created the role in Composer, it created a field and placed it on the "quick form" and set it as a required field.  I didn't know it did that.  I set the workflow to use a form that I created and when I tested it in Work Center, the form I created appeared as expected, but when I tried to submit it, it said I needed to provide an answer to the required field, which wasn't even on that form.  Did I do something wrong there?

Thanks very much,


  • Suggested Answer


    When you assign a role to a user field, you are telling SBM that any user assigned to a role can appear in that user field.  Typically, you would assign one or more groups to the role after deploy.  

    On the state in the workflow, specify the user field that acts as owner.

    As the item progresses through the workflow, the selected value in user field gets set as the owner as the item moves into the state.  An owner only uses single user fields.  If you want multiple owners then you want to use secondary owner and specify a multi-user field.

    the value of the user field needs to be set prior or during the transition.

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    Thank you both for your responses.  I added a user field to the table and named it 'Print Operator.'  I then assigned the 'Print Team' role to it.  It was then available in the 'Owner' list to select.

    I deployed and tested.  I got this message:

    That field is NOT on my form, so it must have put it on the 'quick form', which you can't edit.  Any thoughts on what I can do with this?

    Thanks again.

  • 0 in reply to   

    Thank you both for your responses.  I added a user field to the table and named it 'Print Operator.'  I then assigned the 'Print Team' role to it.  It was then available in the 'Owner' list to select.

    I deployed and tested.  I got this message:

    That field is NOT on my form, so it must have put it on the 'quick form', which you can't edit.  Any thoughts on what I can do with this?

    Thanks again.

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