Create a Mailto-Link for HTMLJavascript widget without opneing a new browser tab

Hi there,

i want to show on my form a HTMLJavascriptwidget to open the (win)mail-client directly. With this code the Browser shows a new-tab-warning an opens a new empty browsertab:

<a href="" target="" extlink="true">Testmail</a><br><br>

I tried without the "target"-tag, but SBM redirects me every time to the warning and new empty tab. In the background my mailclient opens and do the correct things.....

<a href="">Testmail</a><br><br>

What else can I do? Try on Javascript?

Thanks for your help.


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    Hi David, thanks for your reply.

    I tried to create a text field like this:

    Unfortunately my field appears after deploying like this:

    So, it doesn't work.....Are there any other solutions? What do you mean by "Add a URL-Control to your form? I only see in composer these options:

    Tried hyperlink, but there is only the option, to open in a new window....

    Are there any other ideas instead of changing HTML Sanitizer-options in workcenter settings for all apps?

    Thanks for any help.