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Create Auxiliary table to references to an existing table in the SBM Repository

I created an Auxiliary table and added a Single Relational field in the table in the SBM Composer. I want this Single Relational field joins to an existing table in the repository by selecting Reference category of the SBM Composer, but nothing is shown under Reference category. What do I need to do to get the "Add Application Reference" option in the Reference category?

This is what I have after select Reference in SBM Composer

I need to have enable Reference to access  "Add Application Reference"

  • Suggested Answer


       The application reference category is to link one process application to another.  So if you want to link a table in one process app to table in another process application then you will first need to make sure that both process apps have been open in your Composer.  Then go to references of the first PA and add a reference to the second PA.

    When you add a relational field to a table, look at the options of the relational field.  You will select the process application that contains the table you want to link to and the then the table in that application.  You will only see applications in this drop down if they are in the open process app or you have a reference to another process app under references.

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    Hi David, I have test it and it works.

    Thank you so much

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