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After creating and using a variable for a rule of a Decision, it shows the change makes this rule incompatible with use in reports

After creating and using a variable for a rule of a Decision, it shows the change makes this rule incompatible with use in reports, which make the application can't be deployed. How to fix the issue?

  • 0

    I could not duplicate this.  I created a rule to compare an integer field to value "123".  Then clicked the "Convert to variable".  I created an Application Variable based on the integer field.  The Rule is able to compare to a fixed integer value, to an integer field or to the Application Variable without disabling the "Validate for use as a report filter" checkbox.

    This is SBM 11.8 with Hotfix 11.

  • 0

    I could not duplicate this.  I created a rule to compare an integer field to value "123".  Then clicked the "Convert to variable".  I created an Application Variable based on the integer field.  The Rule is able to compare to a fixed integer value, to an integer field or to the Application Variable without disabling the "Validate for use as a report filter" checkbox.

    This is SBM 11.8 with Hotfix 11.

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