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Multiple Projects Single Process App/Workflow?

I'm looking at the Service Request application for SRC 5.1.1 and I'm noticing that in SBM administrator after I've deployed the application there are multiple sub-projects under Request Center. What confuses me is that In my experience I've seen that projects and process apps are a 1:1 ratio. That being said when I look at the Service Request Center application in Composer I'm not seeing where the sub projects are identified.

I'm looking to create additional sub projects that follow the same workflow, so any assistance in where these sub-projects that use the same process app are defined would be useful.

  • 0
    Note that the first project for an application is automatically created the first time your application is deployed to an environment. Any additional projects will then be created as Pam points out.
  • 0
    Note that the first project for an application is automatically created the first time your application is deployed to an environment. Any additional projects will then be created as Pam points out.
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