• Integrating Google Cloud Monitor

    what are the option available to integrate on-premise optic DL with GCP Monitors. How the events from Google cloud monitor console can be read from OPTIC DL deployed on premise.
  • Best Solution to monitor OPTIC DL ?

    Hi Team, We are currently facing several issue on our OPTIC DL and recently our Bookeeper turned to read-only mode. I know there is a MP on OBM to monitor OPTIC but I want to know what is the best solution to monitor the OPTIC DL. is it possible…
  • OPTIC DL Deployment error

    Hello Team, We have small environment for deployment of OPTICDL, We are using OPTICDL just replacement of NPS. We have 1 is Master Control plane , 2 is for Worker nodes, 3 is for Vertica Database. all pre-requisite is pass. Now i have…
  • OPTIC DL Installment DOC and integration procedure with NOM?

    Hi All, I am preparing to install OPTIC DL having 3 master,3worker,2 NFS,3 Vertica DB and 2 postgresSQL. This will be integrated with NOM suite for reporting and dashboard. Kindly point me towards correct installment docs / procedure. Thanks…
  • NOM License Installation

    Hi folks, I was able to deploy a Kubernetes cluster of 1 control node and 3 worker nodes using the OMT Toolkit. I deployed a Vertica cluster of 3 nodes as well. After the deployment is done, I tried to access https://<control_node>:5814/autopass…
  • OPTIC DL / BVD / Service Manager Reports/Dashboards

    Hi experts. Through OPTIC DL we are going to activate Stakeholder Dashboard and OPTIC Reporting capabilities. Is it possible to generate reports or dashboards for MF Service Manager? If so, what mechanisms are available? Thanks, Luis
  • Where to check and trace event logs that send from classic obm to coso

    Hello Team , i have an forwared role that catch event as (notify and update) and send them to coso , i can see that the event sent to coso from obm forwared role gui , but when i'm try to check in vertica i can't see anything , i need to know where…