• Integration between OBM and OPSB failed

    Hi Experts, I face this issue during integration between obm and opsb to enable AEC and metric collection when i run obm_configurator.jar as is shown the attached output can anyone help me what is the caus of issue E:\HPBSM\JRE\bin>java -jar…
  • Can't put password for dbadmin when running dbinit script

    I face issue after reinstalling vertica because the customer asked to make some changes in the file system on vertica servers so i made uninstall and they made the changes and i installed again but when i arrive to step of putting password for dbadmin…
  • OMT Change Certificate from Self-Signed to CA-Signed

    Hi there, To begin with, I have successfully deployed OMT for one control node and three worker nodes, and I have a question regarding the certificates. I am here quoting from the documentation in Communication between OMT and external services :…
  • OPTIC DL Deployment error

    Hello Team, We have small environment for deployment of OPTICDL, We are using OPTICDL just replacement of NPS. We have 1 is Master Control plane , 2 is for Worker nodes, 3 is for Vertica Database. all pre-requisite is pass. Now i have…
  • OPTIC DL Installment DOC and integration procedure with NOM?

    Hi All, I am preparing to install OPTIC DL having 3 master,3worker,2 NFS,3 Vertica DB and 2 postgresSQL. This will be integrated with NOM suite for reporting and dashboard. Kindly point me towards correct installment docs / procedure. Thanks…
  • NOM License Installation

    Hi folks, I was able to deploy a Kubernetes cluster of 1 control node and 3 worker nodes using the OMT Toolkit. I deployed a Vertica cluster of 3 nodes as well. After the deployment is done, I tried to access https://<control_node>:5814/autopass…
  • OPTIC DL / BVD / Service Manager Reports/Dashboards

    Hi experts. Through OPTIC DL we are going to activate Stakeholder Dashboard and OPTIC Reporting capabilities. Is it possible to generate reports or dashboards for MF Service Manager? If so, what mechanisms are available? Thanks, Luis