i'm getting permission error while creating or move file inside OMi-0 pod, can some one help me how to get sufficient privilege's/root?
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i'm getting permission error while creating or move file inside OMi-0 pod, can some one help me how to get sufficient privilege's/root?
Hello Shikant,
Depending on the version of OpsB Suite you are running, root users have been removed from the containers.
With that said, everything should be running as the omi user (1999). That should be the correct settings.
There is an example of accessing the omi-0 pod within the following doc page on Step 1.
# kubectl -n opsb-helm exec -it omi-0 -c omi -- bash
omiuser@omi-0:/> ls
README.md config dev home mnt public-ca-certificates sbin sys usr
bin container docker-entrypoint.sh lib opt root selinux tmp var
boot db-trusted-certs etc lib64 proc run srv trusted-certs version.txt
If you continue to have problems, then maybe it would help if you provided more details about what you are attempting to do.
Hello Shikant,
Depending on the version of OpsB Suite you are running, root users have been removed from the containers.
With that said, everything should be running as the omi user (1999). That should be the correct settings.
There is an example of accessing the omi-0 pod within the following doc page on Step 1.
# kubectl -n opsb-helm exec -it omi-0 -c omi -- bash
omiuser@omi-0:/> ls
README.md config dev home mnt public-ca-certificates sbin sys usr
bin container docker-entrypoint.sh lib opt root selinux tmp var
boot db-trusted-certs etc lib64 proc run srv trusted-certs version.txt
If you continue to have problems, then maybe it would help if you provided more details about what you are attempting to do.