• License Audit Job getting Aborted with : timed out while waiting for kexinit message

    In the customer environment, we see the following error in the License Audit.csv file: OpsB is hosted on Windows Server, this error message reported multiple times in the csv file. what could be reason for the job failure ? error; job finished…
  • Operations Agent PERF Troubleshooting Part 1 [ HP OA 11.1X ]

    Introduction to Operations Agent Kindly refer the attachment 11_X_Componenets.png HP Operations agent 11 combines the features of the HP Operations agent, HP Performance Agent and HP GlancePlus together under one installer. The HP Operations agent helps…
  • Issue with templates not reloading into memory

    I have a case where customer is seeing an issue recently where templates don’t always reload on the server after distribution of a condition update. They can see that it updates the template file on the server, but the agent doesn’t always reread the…
  • [ST OMU] Reports of nodes and policies in OML

    How to create a report of report of nodes monitored and report of node plus the policies applied to these nodes in Operations Manager for Unix/Linux (OMU/OML) The following report generate the information requested # /opt/OV/bin/OpC/call_sqlplus.sh node_conf…
  • [ST OMU] Socket timeout error when launching the Java Gui in Cluster Environment

    PROBLEM: Trying to launch Operatons Manager for Unix/Linux (OMU/OML) Java GUI shows the following errors: "Access denied to 10.x.x.x (ITO205-13) Socket timeput occured" All of the Java GUI tools are not getting any output. When executed the tool says…
  • [ST OMU] Errors installing the Infrastructure SPI on OML 9.11

    PROBLEM: When installing the Systems Infrastructure SPI (SI SPI) the following output is shown: [root@vmwl3867 IFSPI_1111]# ./oainstall.sh -i -m -spiconfig /opt/OV/OM_install/IFSPI_1111/conf.hpom INFO: Installing product HPInfraSPI INFO: Installing package…
  • [ST OMU] OVO agent selfmonitoring policy OA-SelfMonVerifyMon shows warning message when agent starts

    PROBLEM: After deploying the Self-Monitoring policies on a Solaris agent v11.13.007, when the agent starts warning alerts are shown. Warning opcmona (Monitor Agent) "An error occurred in the processing of the policy 'OA-SelfMonTstAll'. Please check the…
  • [ST OMU] Systems Infrastructure "Disk space utilization" showing wrong severity

    PROBLEM: "Disk space utilization" Systems Infrastructure Smart Plugin Interface (SI-SPI) policy deployed with different severities starting from Critical to Warning. Only Warning threshold is calculated on the node, for example disk space on one of the…
  • [ST OMU] OMU processes down and getting error "ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect ..."

    PROBLEM: Operations Manager for Unix/Linux (OMU/OML) shows all the process down and there is no connection to the Database as "opc_op" user. The following error when trying to verify connection to the Database: #echo "select count(*) from opc_act_messages;…
  • [ST OMU] opcagtw.vbs causes traffic congestion in customer firewall

    PROBLEM: An HP vb script is executing the following command line every time and it is causing a lot of outbound traffic. The congestion in the firewall gets even worse during this transaction because it is being denied. C:\Windows\System32\cscript //Nologo…
  • [ST OMU] Best procedure to downgrade an agent from v11.13 to v11.02 that is running NNMi server 9.20

    PROBLEM: In an Operations Agent (OA) agent 11.13 that also is a NNMi server 9.20, when trying to to downgrade from v11.13 to v11.02 in a NNMi server running V9.20 and then launched the agent installation 11.02 however the installation fail, see below…
  • [ST OMU] Unable to disable message forwarding from OMU 9.x

    PROBLEM: Message forwarding from OMU to OMW has been configured. Now want to disable this forwarding and modified the following parameters: ovconfchg -ovrg server -ns opc -set OPC_HTTPS_MSG_FORWARD FALSE ovconfchg -ovrg server -ns opc -set OPC_DONT_FORW_MSGKEY_ACK…
  • [ST OMU] Which command has higher precedence to control the System.xx files sizes?

    Which command has higher precedence to control the System.xx files sizes, the log.cfg file or the name space xpl.log.OvLogFileHandler? PROBLEM: Can the number of /var/opt/OV/log/System.txt backup files be increased or the size of each file increased…
  • [ST OMU] Unable to edit the SI-DiskCapacityMonitor policy getting Lexical Error

    PROBLEM: In Operations Manager for Unix/Linux (OMU/OML) Management server 9.11.100 and 09.11.040 with SPI 1113, getting the following error when trying to edit the SI-DiskCapacityMonitor policy: Edited Policy had errors. The following errors/warnings…
  • [ST OMU] Policies unassigned but still exist in node

    In Operations Agent for Operations Manager for Unix/Linux (OUM/OML) policies have been unassigned but still exist in node. Even deleted the policies folders and restart agent but still the same. CAUSE: Database inconsistency on the Management Server…
  • [ST OMU] After install OML 9.11 with remote Database getting error mondbfile.sh failed ORA-12545

    PROBLEM: After a new installation of OML 9.11 on RHEL 6.4 the following eror is shown in the System.txt file: 0: WRN: Fri Apr 25 08:38:38 2014: opcmona (35774/139906185389824): [OvEpPolicy.cpp:1394]: An error occurred in the processing of the policy …
  • [ST OMU] opcmsgm random crashes with exit value 139

    PROBLEM: In Operations Manager for Unix/Linux (OMU/OML) opcmsgm process crashes randomly. The system.txt file shows the following errors: /var/opt/OV/log/System.txt.002:0: ERR: Thu Apr 3 12:02:00 2014: ovcd (13468/1101101376): (ctrl-209) Component 'opcmsgm…
  • [ST OMU] How to add CMAs documenting the forward manager in messages received in MoM

    PROBLEM: Messages generated from another Management server are forwarded to OML server. Then OML server forwards the messages to another Management Server. When OML receives message, some Custom Message Attributes (CMAs) need to be added into the received…
  • [ST OMU] Unable to add LDAP authentication for Java GUI

    PROBLEM: Followed all the steps to configure LDAP authentication in Operations Manager For Unix (OMU) mentioned in the admin guide ( http://support.openview.hp.com/selfsolve/document/KM1023350) page 512, but still not able to login to Java GUI. Getting…
  • [ST OMU] OMU/OML Database password for Oracle cannot contain special characters

    PROBLEM: Operations Manager for Unix/Linux (OMU/OML) gets installed correctly but most processes do not start if db user use special characters in its password. In some other cases AdminUI installer is not able to connect to the db if db user use…
  • [OM TIP] Error when trying to edit a node via the adminui: "Duplicate widget id"

    PROBLEM: After installing the new patch (9.11.040) on OMU server, the following error is shown when trying to edit a node via the AdminUI: Duplicate widget id "1__linux____x86____linux26" detected at fd:group - file:/HPOM/opt/OMU/adminUI/webapps/midas…
  • [ST OMU] Management Server Node becomes Other(non-ip) node

    PROBLEM: Suddenly Operations Manager for Unix (OMU) Management Server node becomes Other (non-ip) type. So all tool/applications which are initiated from Java GUI are failing. When trying to delete the node from node bank and trying to add this node again…
  • [ST OMU] Inconsistency between policy status (enabled/disabled) and its execution

    PROBLEM: On a Operations Manager for Unix (OMU) agent that has policy configured using script dynamically to return the log path, it causes sometimes inconsistencies when certain policy is in status enabled/disabled, but actually the policy isn't functioning…
  • [ST OMU] Auditing user activity in HPOM Java Console

    PROBLEM: There is a need to audit log files to control the activity for the Java GUI, Command Line Utility and Administrator's GUI. CAUSE: N/A RESOLUTION: First, on the HPOM with command as root or Administrator. opcsrvconfig -audit -enable <level> The…
  • [ST OMU] opctrapi incorrectly parses string varbinds

    PROBLEM: When parsing traps, Trap Interceptor process (opctrapi) of Operations Manager (OM) Agent 11.x incorrectly parses the string varbinds. The trap received contains string values in the appropriate varbinds, but the string parsing in Trap Interceptor…