• NodeJS MP topology view shows empty after discovery aspect deploy

    Hello experts, We have been working with the Node JS MP in OBM 23.4. The aspects are deployed correctly in the node: Discovery, Collector, and Performance. However, the Node JS views are shown empty, and the RTSM does not detect any CI with NodeJS.…
  • OracleDB_0206 custom thresholds

    Hello, I'm trying to monitor an Oracle DB using MP for Oracle. My DBA wants to define the following thresholds. MAJOR: 20% of free space percentage CRITICAL: 10% of free space percentage The out-of-the-box policy only offers one threshold…
  • Need complete steps SAN monitoring with BSM from Side

    Hi Team, I need complete and details steps what steps we (BSM) need to do post configured all the storage devices with SNMP Traps to receive alerts in BSM. I have OBM console admin access . I got the storage devices list also. So here from BSM…
  • [OBM classic] Deadlock during event archival

    Hi, Has one came across below error during event archival in OBM? please suggest. Thanks ERROR: The database system reported an error: could not execute query -- An error occurred during the current command (Done status 0). Transaction (Process…
  • Adding External URL to OBM Pages

    OBM Version:24.2 | 11.70.048 I am attempting to display an external url's page in OBM and am getting this error. "This content is blocked. Contact the site owner to fix the issue." Please advise
  • Need complete steps about SAN monitoring with Operational Bridge Manager

    Hi Team, Need complete steps about SAN monitoring with Operational Bridge Manager. I am new with this BSM , please help me how I can achieve this SAN monitoring with BSM.
  • what does the term mean Alarming / logging in the metrics reference of MP MS SQL Server

    Hello In the documentation of the Management Pack MS SQL Server ( https://docs.microfocus.com/doc/MP_for_Microsoft_SQL_Server/2023.05/MetricsDef1 ) there are for each metric a item Alarming / Logging. For each metric the value is Alarming…
  • how do I filter certain events for users with operator role?

    Hello, we have users with operator rol wich can see all events in OBM as the act as level 1 support. but now we have a project for which the information is quite restricted and operators cannot see certain events. The problem is for this Operations…
  • Is there an example on how use the obm policy parameters for objects to create a list of values?

    Hello, I would like to try to filter filesystems using the Sys_FileSystemUtilizationMonitor policy and I was wondering if there any known examples of how to update the %%Disk_Instance%% parameter for values in a list format? For example, I would like…
  • OBM Total Events That Can be handeld

    I have an environment with 12,500 agents and would like to know the maximum number of events per second that OBM can handle in this scenario. Can anyone provide insights or guidance?
  • change the default installation path for obm on redhat linux

    I want to change the default installation path for obm on redhat linux . I have tried to create a parameters file and install with silent installation method but it does not work
  • OBM not closing critical event even after receiving normal events from APM

    Hi Team ours APM is 9.51 with a patch installed on it and our obm is 2022.05 with a patch installed, integration of obm and APM is via rest api policy OprEvent we are observing random failures like some times normal event is not triggering to obm, some…
  • Log File Monitoring with additional pattern matching not worked

    Dear Support Team, We are monitoring one Log File Monitoring with additional pattern matching for Threshold comparison for instance: <[ARCH].FS>,<[<@.PCTUSED>] -ge 75> One script is updating a log file with current utilization value for the disk…
  • I want to configure new Log file monitoring for a server in OBM 2020.10 (11.01) IP1. Can you please guide me

  • OBM upgrade from 2022.05 to 2023.05 on Linux with non-root user fails with: ERROR could not create backup file

    I am upgrading OBM 2022.05 to 2023.05 on a Linux server. Single server with embedded postgres. OBM is configured to run as a non-root user I am logged in as root and issue the command ./update.sh -d -silent command. The command gets through the…
  • obm ram configuration file other than config wizard

    Hi Community is there any file to see current ram configuration for gateway/ dps other than config wizard ours is obm 2022.05
  • Dynatrace and OML/OBM monitoring solutions.

    Hello folks, Would you be kind enough to tell me which templates in Dynatrace you use for monitoring logs, events, servers, hw ? Do you have experience which templates from Dynatrace could be similar to old OML/OBM WINMON and UXMON ? Thank you so much…
  • opr-backend taking too much time to start in OBM DPS

    Hi Team , In production machine running OBM 2021.05 opr-backend is in Started state from 4 hrs now . its running on windows platform
  • High count of closed history lines in event statistics obm 2020.05

    Hi Community, we have clustered environment 2 dps and 2 gw we have lot of integrations to OBM. like Sitescopes (5) ,APM,NNMI,Appdynamics,Azure SIS,etc we are using oracle DB. current counts of few attributes from event stat are as follows. Closed…
  • Can not get "The REST API uses JSON Web Token (JWT) for authorization." working.

    Product OBM, opsbridge ver. 2021.05(Standalone/embedded cmdb) Environment: Windows New setup/ Install. Trying to Configure.(NOT IN PROD YET) Issue: obtain a token by making a POST REST call to the endpoint: <base_url>/authenticate with the payload…
  • Operations Bridge 2022.05 events with no CI or nodename

    I have several Operations Bridge 2022.05 servers, running Linux RHEL 8.6, all experiencing the same problem. All processes run as a non-root user. I install the opcagt software on a node and use the opcactivate command to connect it to a server and…
  • Linux opcle uses 100% of CPU on every system

    I've installed Operations Bridge Manager 2022.05 and Operations Agent 12.22.007 on multiple RHEL 8.6 Linux nodes All are configured to run OPSBridge and Operations Agent as non-root user All are showing opcle as taking 98-100% of a CPU at all times…
  • Operations bridge manager stream-based Event Correlation report

    Hi All, I want to get a report for correlated events. I use SBEC rules for the correlation. What is the best way to do it? Thanks in advance.
  • Database Encryption options available in OBM

    Hello experts, Can you please help me with some insight on the following queries around external MS SQL Database encryption used for Micro Focus OBM and SM? Customer is deploying OBM with MS SQL as external database. If MF software writes the data…
  • OBM Event Browser using HTML in the browser line pen

    Hello currently the OMi event browser allows usage of HTML code the code however is only being rendered inside the event details Pen is there a way to get to work in the line based event browser ? this option was available in the (very) old event…