• Creating Monitored Node

    Hi Can some one please tell us how to Create Monitored Node without IP address on Operations Bridge Manager. When we are trying to create a Node without IP address it will not get saved as we get a error message as " No IPs with name: "test.server.com…
  • Issues related to forwarding OBM events to OM

    Hello guys, I'm Jiwook. I need help. We configured event forwarding of OBM events to the OM server. However, although forwarding is recorded in OBM's event history(Forwarding info), the event cannot actually be seen on the OM server. What part…
  • OBM how to send Email Notifications for TrapStorm has subsided

    Hi all, I use OBM and NNMi integrated via agent, when I receive a storm on NNMi of 50 traps per second or more, I generate an event on TrapStorm nnmi, which I send to OBM through integration. For this event on OBM, I have configured an email notification…
  • Wildcard _ in URL requests to the OMi API

    Hello there, I'm currently working with OMi 2020.05 API. I'm making requests through my browser (Chrome) and I wish to use a filter. The query attribute name i wish to filter is "object" and i wish to select only events where "Mut_ce_" is contained…
  • ERROR PROCESSING REQUEST Server response could not be parsed

    Anyone has experience seeing this error when accessing the event repository in the filters tab? This is happening even the account is admin. OBM 2020.10 IP1 MAY HF ERROR PROCESSING REQUEST Server response could not be parsed Http failure response…
  • OBM 2020: why the manual failover is the only option when HA is done based on 2 separate data centers?

    Hello forum, Anyone knows why the manual failover is the only option when OBM cluster HA is done based on 2 separate data centers? We've got question concerning this guide: https://docs.microfocus.com/itom/Operations_Bridge_Manager:2020.10/HaOverview…
  • Learn Operations Manager i 10.1 through Operations Bridge Use Cases

    There are a lot of cool stats and facts around the business value experience of HPE OMi (operations bridge) customers. Why am I telling you this? Because training can help you build the skills to fully leverage the solution – so you too can drive better…
  • OM Agent as part of a server image

    Perhaps, Someone could shed soem light on a best practice here. I want to include the OM agent as part of a server image. But im not sure how the core id would be handled each time the server image would be deployed and have a script run to initiate the…
  • Send Event when a particular pattern is not found in log file

    Hi, I am a newbie to HP OMU/OVO. I have got an requirement where I need to look into a log file for a particular pattern and generate alarm when it is found and not foud. In case it is found I need to send normal event to OVO message browser and when…
  • RE: Compatibility RedHat

    Sure, here you go: https://softwaresupport.hp.com/group/softwaresupport/search-result/-/facetsearch/document/KM323488 Cheers!
  • OMW 9. Error in deploying any policy to any node.

    Hello! I have OMW 9 with latest patches. Also I have a nymber of managed nodes with OA 11.14 installed on all nodes. Everyting was fine until I tried to install Performance manager 4 on the same system with OMW. Installation was unsuccessful and after…
  • [ST OMU] Socket timeout error when launching the Java Gui in Cluster Environment

    PROBLEM: Trying to launch Operatons Manager for Unix/Linux (OMU/OML) Java GUI shows the following errors: "Access denied to 10.x.x.x (ITO205-13) Socket timeput occured" All of the Java GUI tools are not getting any output. When executed the tool says…
  • [ST OMU] Systems Infrastructure "Disk space utilization" showing wrong severity

    PROBLEM: "Disk space utilization" Systems Infrastructure Smart Plugin Interface (SI-SPI) policy deployed with different severities starting from Critical to Warning. Only Warning threshold is calculated on the node, for example disk space on one of the…
  • [ST OMU] OMU processes down and getting error "ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect ..."

    PROBLEM: Operations Manager for Unix/Linux (OMU/OML) shows all the process down and there is no connection to the Database as "opc_op" user. The following error when trying to verify connection to the Database: #echo "select count(*) from opc_act_messages;…
  • [ST OMU] opcagtw.vbs causes traffic congestion in customer firewall

    PROBLEM: An HP vb script is executing the following command line every time and it is causing a lot of outbound traffic. The congestion in the firewall gets even worse during this transaction because it is being denied. C:\Windows\System32\cscript //Nologo…
  • [ST OMU] Example to create a logfile template to monitor two logfiles in a Windows node

    PROBLEM: How to create a template that would monitor both logfiles (two drives; C and E); on a windows agent? The two logfiles are C:\DIR\file1.log E:\DIR\file2.log SOLUTION: The following command works fine to monitor two log files located on different…
  • [ST OMU] Best procedure to downgrade an agent from v11.13 to v11.02 that is running NNMi server 9.20

    PROBLEM: In an Operations Agent (OA) agent 11.13 that also is a NNMi server 9.20, when trying to to downgrade from v11.13 to v11.02 in a NNMi server running V9.20 and then launched the agent installation 11.02 however the installation fail, see below…
  • [ST OMU] Policies unassigned but still exist in node

    In Operations Agent for Operations Manager for Unix/Linux (OUM/OML) policies have been unassigned but still exist in node. Even deleted the policies folders and restart agent but still the same. CAUSE: Database inconsistency on the Management Server…
  • [ST OMU] opcmsgm random crashes with exit value 139

    PROBLEM: In Operations Manager for Unix/Linux (OMU/OML) opcmsgm process crashes randomly. The system.txt file shows the following errors: /var/opt/OV/log/System.txt.002:0: ERR: Thu Apr 3 12:02:00 2014: ovcd (13468/1101101376): (ctrl-209) Component 'opcmsgm…
  • [ST OMU] OMU/OML Database password for Oracle cannot contain special characters

    PROBLEM: Operations Manager for Unix/Linux (OMU/OML) gets installed correctly but most processes do not start if db user use special characters in its password. In some other cases AdminUI installer is not able to connect to the db if db user use…
  • [OM TIP] Error when trying to edit a node via the adminui: "Duplicate widget id"

    PROBLEM: After installing the new patch (9.11.040) on OMU server, the following error is shown when trying to edit a node via the AdminUI: Duplicate widget id "1__linux____x86____linux26" detected at fd:group - file:/HPOM/opt/OMU/adminUI/webapps/midas…
  • Matching OpC HBP Internal Messages - Performing only one Automatic Action on the Management Server

    Dear Experts, I have noticed when matching internal 'OpC' messages by using the OPC_INT_MSG_FLT=TRUE on both the management server and managed node(s). Then creating a msgi policy type on the management server then matching the Communication Broker and…
  • [Support tip] - OMU server procs cannot be started when Oracle user pass expires

    With Oracle 11g, password aging is enabled by default and passwords expire in half a year. If the password of the Oracle user opc_op expires, the OMU processes are no longer able to connect to Oracle. To change the password in the database and in the…
  • Operations Manager HP OM Integration : contentmapping.xml

    Can somebody explain ? We integrateed HPOMW with BSM 9.12 and wan't created our own content packs. We read the Operations Manager i Extensibility Guide and found the section with the mapping files. There is still some clarification needed regarding the…
  • Migration from OM/Unix (HP-UX) 8.35 to OM/Linux 9.10

    Can anyone please provide me with any tips/gotchas for the subject or point me to a presentation that discusses it? Thanks, -Tim