• Need complete steps SAN monitoring with BSM from Side

    Hi Team, I need complete and details steps what steps we (BSM) need to do post configured all the storage devices with SNMP Traps to receive alerts in BSM. I have OBM console admin access . I got the storage devices list also. So here from BSM…
  • OBM -. Connector OEM - test event

    Hi everyone, I'm having trouble with the OEM connector. I'm trying to create a heartbeat event similar to what I already do for the SAP connector. Here's an example for SAP: curl -X POST -H "Accept: application/xml" -d ' <ALERT><Title>SAP Heartbeat…
  • Groovy New Mail Page

    Hi Everyone, I want to create a custom action to open a new mail page with event properties. Below code could not work can anyone help about it? import java.util.List; import com.hp.opr.api.scripting.Event; import java.awt.Desktop; import java…
  • Integration Elastic APM with OBM

    I have question is it possible if elastic APM monitoring results be combined with OBM Microfocus? I have asked the elastic side, and they said they were open because they would receive requests from other tools to their API, but the request must come…
  • High count of closed history lines in event statistics obm 2020.05

    Hi Community, we have clustered environment 2 dps and 2 gw we have lot of integrations to OBM. like Sitescopes (5) ,APM,NNMI,Appdynamics,Azure SIS,etc we are using oracle DB. current counts of few attributes from event stat are as follows. Closed…
  • OBM Integration with BMC Remedy

    We have OBM 2021.11 on windows and need to integrate with BMC Remedy (9.1.x) to create an incident, so can you suggest how we can achieve this using the Groovy script? Any supporting script/document would be much helpful.
  • how to discover azure subscriptions automatically?

    Hey guys, Does somebody here knows how to discover azure subscriptions automatically? because meanwhile we are doing it with a configuration file and our azure is very dynamic, so we got every month new subscriptions.
  • What is the correct procedure to stop the OBR tool before performing the Windows patching activity .

    Hi Team, Every month we having the patching activity for windows server and our OBR tool is installed on windows OS itself. So whenever the patches are upgraded on windows server & once the server has rebooted after that CPU & memory data stops to fetch…
  • OBM Hybrid Login Support - Identity Management Single Sign-On (IDM-SSO & OBM internal authentication service

    Hi, We enabled OBM IDM-SSO and users are login to OBM automatically. Our OBM version is 2020.10 We had a problem with Active Directory in the past and because of IDM-SSO integration, users couldn't be able to login/use OBM during the problem…
  • APM Upgrade Help - Delete OBM Integration

    Hello, I'm attempted the APM Upgrade from 9.50 to 9.51. In the prereqs of the documentation, it mentions I ssuing DELETE REST call to URL: http://<APM_ HOST>/topaz/omi/integration/customer/1/settings/url to delete the OBM URL setting. Can someone…
  • Regarding an API to get the list of meta data to update or create event

    Hello, Currently, I am exploring the APIs of Operations Manager i. I went through the list of all the APIs provided on the below link: docs.microfocus.com/.../How_to_Access_the_Event I did not find the API to get list of fields. I want to update…
  • How to integrate three nnmi and two obm server

    Hi, I'm to implement an integration of three and two OBM NNMi 2019.05 2020.10, integrations must report in parallel events such as topology. This is possible? how can it be implemented? Thanks!
  • NNMI HA cluster integration with OBM

    Team, We are installing the NNMi 2019.05 in a HA cluster "windows Failover cluster", i need help to understand the integration with OBM I will have one active and passive NNMI server, should I install ops connector on both active and passive NNMI…
  • Cloud Optimizer Integration for OBM Contains Faulty vPV_Infrastructure View

    RE: Cloud Optimizer Integration for OBM Contains Faulty vPV_Infrastructure View To get the vPV_Infrastructure View to work in Operations Bridge Manager (OBM) v2019.11, I had to install the: CO_OMI_1.26_HF_DISCOVERY_VIEW_7 Hot-fix. This filled the 3 RTSM…
  • Does a single-Server deployment of OBM scale

    Our group has stood up a 5-Server deployment of OBM 2018_05. We manage about 1000 servers with agents and about 4500 network devices. We have been having problems with the integrity of data, particularly from our NNMi integration. In times of high volume…
  • APM 9.50 -OBM 2019.11 Integration: Show APM Data in OBM

    OBM was successfully upgraded to 2019.11. APM integration works fine except User Pages for APM components f.eg. Drilldown Metrics over time. Using existing pages or createing a new page is not showing anything. If a new page is crated and you select the…
  • OMi 6.2/6.3 Integration with VMware Requirements

    Hello All, I'd like to know what are the requirements and options to integrate OMi 6.2/6.3 with VMware? And are there any known issues? TIA, Stephanie
  • RTSM/uCMDB REST API -> Delete Update CI doesn't work on OBM

    Hi We are trying to use the RTSM REST API: https://docs.microfocus.com/UCMDB/2018.08/ucmdb-docs/docs/eng/doc_lib/Content/REST_API/REST_API_Use.htm We can retrieve CI details, but when we try Update or Delete operation: https://docs.microfocus.com/UCMDB…
  • How to monitor Veritas NetBackup OpsCenter Analytics through OpsBridge

    Hello Experts, How to get critical events of Veritas NetBackup OpsCenter Analytics version 8.2 into OBM 2019.05. Is there any way or connector available to integrate and get the events of Veritas NetBackup OpsCenter Analytics into OBM for monitoring…
  • BSMC REST Event ERROR Method 'Put' Sending Access Forbidden

    Hello, We are getting an error message in System.txt when we are trying to integrate event via REST. We used the API before, but we get an error message with one of our integration. We are not able to receive events from a specific product. Error found…
  • Error al instalar conector for Nutanix

    Estoy intentando instalar el operation conector for nutanix en una instancia en la que tenemos instalado NNM y Operation Conector 2018.05 y al momento de realizar la verificación del conector no lo puede lograr, a demas de esto en la guia de instalación…
  • Azure Logical Disk monitoring with Azure MP

    Is there a way to monitor Azure VM logical disk space with the Azure MP for OBM?
  • ERROR HPSCOMCollector2012.Events.BackSyncNode

    Hi Team, We are getting below error message. Backsync between OMI & SCOM. 2020-03-05 01:06:19 [ 5080] ERROR HPSCOMCollector2012.Events.BackSyncNode - Alert '7804d6a1-9632-4ee3-bd77-5e3e857051a2' was not found in the Microsoft SCOM server, cannot close…
  • SCOM Connector not forwarding topology, and opcgeni showing buffer size limit error

    We have Operations Connector for SCOM 2018.05, with Operations Agent 12.06.007 running on Windows 2012 R2. The Connectors are communicating with OBM 2018.05, also on Windows. We have two SCOM Connectors which should have identical configurations, however…
  • Operations connector Configuration change Tips

    Dear All, Currently we have Operations connector installed for SCOM integration.Operations Connector is pointed to send data to Load balancer but now am planning to change it to Gateway server instead of Load balancer .Please let me know how to change…