• [OBM classic] Deadlock during event archival

    Hi, Has one came across below error during event archival in OBM? please suggest. Thanks ERROR: The database system reported an error: could not execute query -- An error occurred during the current command (Done status 0). Transaction (Process…
  • Event reduction OMI

    Hi All, I'm currently working on Event Reduction on OMI and I need you to help me to understand. I have sometime in the same minute Event from the same CI with a message like : Trunk <Blablabla> is Down. I want to catch all this alarms and…
  • Deploy OMI policy with CI Attributes as parameters

    Hi All, I need to deploy a policy "Schedule Task" to execute a script. this script need parameters and all this parameters are in the CI Attributes in RTSM. is it possible to fill automatically the parameters after I selected the CI to deploy…
  • OBM how to send Email Notifications for TrapStorm has subsided

    Hi all, I use OBM and NNMi integrated via agent, when I receive a storm on NNMi of 50 traps per second or more, I generate an event on TrapStorm nnmi, which I send to OBM through integration. For this event on OBM, I have configured an email notification…
  • Automatic creation of nodes/CIs

    Hi, As far as I remember from the past - OMi was capable to create node (or CI) instance automatically when event from node is received. Right? We have fresh install of OBM 2021.11 Nodes (or applications on the nodes) are sending SNMP Traps to OM…
  • EPC - event customization doesn't work with event duplicate

    Hi All, I need to change the severity of one event from minor to critical if its duplicate count is greater than 3. The EPC works and changes the severity of the event if only one event arrives in 5 minutes (policy polling). When the policy detects more…
  • OMi 10.12 IP 6 to OBM 2020.10 upgrade

    Dear Expert, We have below scenario and needs to be upgrade to OBM 2020.10 asap. Kindly share your expertise/comments on the below concerns. 1. We have management pack for MSSQL, Oracle version deployed --> Does the OBM upgrade case any changes to existing…
  • OMi Services

    Hi Experts, Is there any document which explians OMi/OBM Services briefly ? Like there are many services we will see while starting or stopping OMi Services like odb, hpbsm_rtsm, mercuryAS, jboss, schedulergw, businessImpact_service, marble_supervisor…
  • OBM Upgrade from 10.63 IP4 to 2020.05

    Hi Experts, Planning to upgrade the OBM to 2020.05 .Current setup has OMi integrated with SCOM via Operations Connector . Please let me know howdo I need to start the Upgrade ? whether with OBM or with Operations Connector ?inorder to avoid data loss…
  • Node duplicated due to OA restarts

    Hello all I have OMi with node (Windows/Unix) already defined: let's call these <existent_nodes> . My new task is to switching OA primary manager from OMU to OMi: let's call these <migrated_nodes> . Every <existent_nodes> has a PrimaryDnsName attribute…
  • PostgreSQL monitoring using OMi Management pack

    We are trying to deploy the posgress monitoring using OMi MP. Our DBA provided user and password for monitoring. Kindly advise how to configure and validate postgress monitoring. The documentation has very less information and we are unable to fix the…
  • Rule in REST Webservice policy does not work

    Dear experts, I am creating an Event in OMi by calling REST webservice and a REST policy deployed on my OMi. This policy has one rule and there is no condition. so far so good it works as it is supposed to be. but now i want to create multiple rules in…
  • OMi in HA || Agent Buffering Issues

    Dear All, We have OMi in HA mode.. OMi Version : 10.63 When secondary OMi is down.. automatically agents on both the gateways are going to buffering state and all the reporting agents are also going to buffering state. Again when we start secondary OMi…
  • OMi : How to match an empty XML field when creating policy rules?

    Hi, I'm parsing an xml in a policy. Some xml messages have empty tags. I want to create a rule that is matching the empty tag: For example : I want to create an event when I receive <message></message> In the pattern matching tool, you have a lot of operators…
  • OMi-OO integration integration intermediately breaking down

    Hi Experts, We are facing issue with OMi - OO integration these integration is breaking down intermediately and we are missing INC creation flow during that time frame which is making me in trouble since last 15 days. I have attached the OO integration…
  • Disk IO with disk and file system mounted on it

    Hi Team How we can get Disk io usage details along with mount point details for unix based system Currently we see only disk io usage along with disk details and file system mounted on the disk however same we do not see in Linux based os Pls suggest…
  • Restart CI Resolution for unresolved Events

    Is it possible to restart/retrigger Ci Resolution for Events which do not have a node id set? Background: All Events which pass CI Resolution and do not have a node id set are potential errors. Means we need to "move" these events into a special view…
  • OMi - 2018-05 certificate management - containerized mode.

    Dear all, please advise regarding the certificate management for the OMi 2018-05 containerized mode. i need to generate a private key , csr and import and export the certificate for the integrations i need to make with NNMi 10.50 and other products. please…
  • URL Monitoring through OMI

    My SAID is 106019985xxx (last numbers obfuscated for security reasons - MF Community team) . We have successfully implemented OMI 10.63. Now It has also been confirmed by Microfocus Software Support that it is possible to monitor any particular URL using…
  • OPR using 'DOMAIN\SERVERNAME$' to connect to DB - Windows Authentication is Set to COnnect to DB

    Hi Experts, We have 1 DPS, 1 GW and 1 SQL DB server. I am using 1 Service Account which have Local Admin access on all 3 servers and System Admin role at SQL DB. DPS and GW services are running with same user. While Configuring SQL DB, I used "windows…