Has one came across below error during event archival in OBM?
please suggest. Thanks
ERROR: The database system reported an error: could not execute query -- An error occurred during the current command (Done status 0). Transaction (Process…
I'm trying to use the OBM opr-jmxClient script to remotely use the moveServices method under the Topaz:service=hac-backup mbean. I have successfully used the listServers method using the following command:
I want to monitor all filesystem on a unix server.
I have created a policy template with a multi-instance paramter (Filesystem) and a Threshold paramater.
I have created an aspect which associate : FileSystem : CI.Name Threshold : CI.Custom_threshold…
I want to create a threshold policy on different instance of running software and retrieve some argument from CI attribute.
I deployed my policy on each instance of running software with an aspect (mapped each parameter with ci attribute…
We in-place upgraded single-server OBM 2022.05 to 2023.05 on windows with embedded postgresql and saw that for the first time for in-place upgrades with embedded postgresql db the old database is not deleted - its renamed omidb_old and is sitting in the…
Has anyone ever attempted to replace all management servers in an OBM for Linux environment?
For example, in an HA distributed environment, replaced old GW1, GW2, DP1 & DP2 with new servers with different hostnames and IP addresses?