• Creating Monitored Node

    Hi Can some one please tell us how to Create Monitored Node without IP address on Operations Bridge Manager. When we are trying to create a Node without IP address it will not get saved as we get a error message as " No IPs with name: "test.server.com…
  • Failed to run script to return log file path and log name

    Hi guys, I need to monitor 3 log paths: /tmp/OM/X.1/log/server.log, / tmp/OM /X.2/log/server.log, / tmp/OM / X.3/log/server.log. I created a script, saved as '/tmp/OM/loginfo.sh' and ran test OK on server. #!/bin/bash # Array of log file paths…
  • [HELP] Error message OpC30-164 in OA12

    Hello, everyone, I have the following problem with an OA agent encapsulator logfile. I have deployed a logfile encapsulator on a node to be checked, the template launches a script which then produces a log file from which I go to read the produced string…
  • Sending exported events over email

    is there any possibility to export the events of desired category and send the event list over email in OBM.
  • vROPS event integration policy customization

    Hi, I hope you are doing well. we need to customize the related CI value in the vROPS event integration policy. we are using OBM 2020.10. we need your help. Best Regards, Abbas
  • Agent System Detection Error[2]: ovodetect: Error

    Hi, I get the follow alarm: Policy Alarm - Agent System Detection Error[2]: ovodetect: Error - Execution of '/var/opt/OV/bin/instrumentation/ovosysdetect_weblogicmp.pl' returned '2'. /var/opt/OV/bin/instrumentation…
  • DPA solarwinds event to OBM integration

    Hi, I have been come across a request regarding the DPA solarwind database events integration with OBM using the payload. I dont have any idea regarding the API payload from OBM, can anyone have any idea how to provide the OBM payload to the solarwinds…
  • OBM is unable to send Email Notifications

    I want to configure Email alerting for a set of CI's critical events. As of now I've created a RTSM view in OBM for those list of CIs and configured Email Notification in OBM by selection the RTSM View, Event filter and Email Notification template. Also…
  • OBM Email Notification Template

    OBM Dashboard showing this error: Severity Application Related CI Node Time Received Title Critical NNMi swshrfvideo swshrfvideo 5/21/2022 01:30:48 Node Down I want to send an email notification with the same information in the email template but…
  • Request for OBM getting annotation (eventannotation.Count) in notification template and the other possibilities.

    Hi, When creating notification template following below documentation: For Event Processing -> Notifications: docs.microfocus.com/.../NotificationAbout You can find Chapter: How to configure Notification templates, which contains the variables from…
  • Passing password as policy parameter to powershell script returns "incorrect password" error from the script

    Hi all, We have a powershell script that fetches a json file from a share and uses it as input to run some certificate checks. I've set it up with a Scheduled Task policy and have stored the share password as a policy parameter that we pass to the script…
  • CI is existing in downtime rule but the event does not match the downtime behavior will have a flagged in active browser "Event received in downtime". Anyone have a experience this?

    After applying the October patchset then this new behaviour is coming into play. I don't know if everyone have encountered in on OBM 2020.10 IP1 OCT HF. CI is existing in downtime rule but the event does not match the downtime behavior will have a…
  • Event received in downtime tagged showing on event which doesn't have downtime rules

    Hi , After the installation of OCTober patchset for OBM 2020.10 IP1, there's a weird behavior where it tagged the event with "event received in downtime" but in active browser. It doesn't have any downtime rules applied on the network CI. Anyone…
  • OBM target host for Licenses

    Hello Experts, I have High availability OBM deployment (2 DPS servers and 2 GW servers) with VIP Load Balancer, what is the target host (s) should be considered for Licenses? Thanks, Mohammad
  • how to manage IDM users through API

    Hi all, I have integrated NOM reporting into OBM in order to provide NOM dashboard in BVD on top of OBM COSO. I need to manage user,role and group in IDM in order to give access the good dashboard to the good user. I'm wondering if there is API…
  • Unable to stop/start OBM DPS (DB/JVM Timeout)

    HI! Yesterday I stopped the OBM services on my lab (HA) I followed the documentation about it: Start, Stop or Restart OBM (microfocus.com) then I tried to start the services again but the main DPS won't start, I can't even use opr-support-utils nor OBM…
  • OBM event delayed processing

    Hi guys, I need help. As of now, when a test event is generated through opcmsg, the message can be checked in the event browser after about 5 minutes. The number of managed nodes is about 400. While upgrading OMU to OBM, the manager was changed…
  • Which DB table have the RELATED CIS name?

    Hi, Any idea which DB table have the RELATED CIS name? Thanks
  • How to integrate three nnmi and two obm server

    Hi, I'm to implement an integration of three and two OBM NNMi 2019.05 2020.10, integrations must report in parallel events such as topology. This is possible? how can it be implemented? Thanks!
  • OBM-UCMDB memory utilization taking high

    Hi Team, We are using OBM 2020.10 OBM and we are getting memory utilization issues. OBM services (UCMDB server, JBoss ) taking high memory .there is a single server and 16 GB RAM as per the small deployment support matrix. We have checked the…
  • OBM - Performance Dashboard - port usage question

    OBM 2020.10 Does performance dashboard require any other ports open to the managed nodes other than 383? Does it still utilize anything via port 382 oir 381 ? Thanks! Stephen
  • The core id used on the OBM server is different from the core id on the agent.

    In OML, we can resolved this using opcnode to match coreid setup in OML. How about in OBM 2020.10? I can't find a solution to this issue.
  • Is there documentation/example code for Business Rule Groovy scripts?

    We are running OBM 2020.10. I am trying to create/modify Groovy scripts to set KPIs for some CIs using Business Rules, and am looking for examples/best practices for this specific Groovy scripting use case. Looking through the online docs, I seem to…
  • Data Flow Probe: Throwing Two Errors - Column "last_discovery_time" Does Not Exist and Some Error occurred when processing Redundant Results

    Data Flow Probe: Throwing Two Errors - Column "last_discovery_time" Does Not Exist and Some Error occurred when processing Redundant Results This is for an integration point, and before digging into it too deeply, I figured I would run it by the community…
  • Gateway experiencing slowness intermittently

    My obm instance had populated the event area in the lower-center portion of the browser. The performance started to slow down so I logged out, killed all of browsers, and, when I logged back, the event area is not populating I have tried: Explorer…