• How to monitor Cassandra database query

    Hi Experts, Is there availability to execute and monitor Cassandra database query using obm and operation agent and what is the appropriate policy for it Thnaks
  • License Audit Job getting Aborted with : timed out while waiting for kexinit message

    In the customer environment, we see the following error in the License Audit.csv file: OpsB is hosted on Windows Server, this error message reported multiple times in the csv file. what could be reason for the job failure ? error; job finished…
  • Need complete steps about SAN monitoring with Operational Bridge Manager

    Hi Team, Need complete steps about SAN monitoring with Operational Bridge Manager. I am new with this BSM , please help me how I can achieve this SAN monitoring with BSM.
  • Possible to remove just HPOM install of whole Operation Agent using the oacleanall.vbs script?

    Hi experts, We are just testing the removal of HPOM from some Windows Servers, and are following the guide here - https://docs.microfocus.com/doc/Operations_Agent/12.21/CleanAl l The description for the script states: " The oacleanall script isn…
  • SBEC Rule Custom Attribute Uses GUID

    We ran across something when creating an SBEC rule which we do not understand. These rules were inherited and we don't have access to the author. Under the Custom Attributes section there is one CA latestCorrelationID that is assigned the value ${e04e5421…
  • Manage IDM users by API

    Hello, We are useing Operations Bridge Manager 23.4 with IDM Saml configuration. We want to get user list that is created in OBM and also delete users with some conditions (for example: by name or inactivity for some period) Is there any API for these…
  • mapping section in REST Web Service Listener Policies

    Hello, I need to create an event attribute by using a field from the source event. For example: Source Value: [<*>X1<*>ABCD] -> Target Value : XYZ Source Value: [<*>Y2<*>ABCD] -> Target Value : QWE Source Value: [<*>DEFG] -> Target Value : ASD…
  • Questions about encoding when monitoring log files (ISO 8859-1)

    Hello, I'm Julia. I am posting this to get help as log file monitoring is not working properly. First, logfile events with English patterns occur normally. Korean is the current issue. The file encoding of the log file is "text/plain; charset=iso…
  • When starting OBM, an error saying "No MPM loaded" occurs.

    Hello guys, I'm Juila. I am in very need of help. When starting OBM, an error saying "No MPM loaded" occurs. The service is not starting. To explain the situation before that, it was said that unnecessary options were set in /opt/HP/BSM/WebServer…
  • how do I filter certain events for users with operator role?

    Hello, we have users with operator rol wich can see all events in OBM as the act as level 1 support. but now we have a project for which the information is quite restricted and operators cannot see certain events. The problem is for this Operations…
  • Disable OBM for Load Balancing Verifications

    Hello experts, We run OBM with an architecture of 2 DPSs and 3 GWs, including a mirrored DR site. During our upgrade tests to version 24.2, we need to ensure the DR site is operational. We do this by starting the environment with a temporary DB replicated…
  • Failed to run script to return log file path and log name

    Hi guys, I need to monitor 3 log paths: /tmp/OM/X.1/log/server.log, / tmp/OM /X.2/log/server.log, / tmp/OM / X.3/log/server.log. I created a script, saved as '/tmp/OM/loginfo.sh' and ran test OK on server. #!/bin/bash # Array of log file paths…
  • Measurement threshold policy with two metric's evaluation

    Hello. I'm trying to create policy, which accepts two metrics via opcmon. It works as expected, when I have single source and single evaluation in Measurement threshold policy, but if I add second source, policy converts to Perl Script evaluation, and…
  • OBM Total Events That Can be handeld

    I have an environment with 12,500 agents and would like to know the maximum number of events per second that OBM can handle in this scenario. Can anyone provide insights or guidance?
  • How to configure TLS for OBM

    Hi Experts, Can anyone give me detailed steps on how to configure ssl in OBM using CA certificate not self signed and after installation not during it because I can't see enough explanation for it in documentation and this makes some confusion to…
  • Connect Operations Agent to Microsoft Sentinel

    Hello, Is there any other way to feed Operations Agent metrics and information into Microsoft Sentinel, other than through Sentinel's API? learn.microsoft.com/.../ We need to have a similar integration to the one between Microsoft SCOM and Sentinel…
  • Does OBM supports to run a java program as a tool

    Hi Team, We are looking for possibility to run a java program as tool from OBM event perspective page. OBM v2022.05
  • object event field is not editable

    Is there any way to make "object" event field editable in the OBM Event perspective page. OBM v2022.05
  • OBM not closing critical event even after receiving normal events from APM

    Hi Team ours APM is 9.51 with a patch installed on it and our obm is 2022.05 with a patch installed, integration of obm and APM is via rest api policy OprEvent we are observing random failures like some times normal event is not triggering to obm, some…
  • OPR Action Web Services not working in OBM 23.4

    We upgraded our OBM from 2023.05 to 23.4 - in 23.4 the ../opr-web/rest/10.10/direct_execution API does not work anymore - it is returning http error 415 in json format: { "statusCode" : 415, "message" : "HTTP 415 Unsupported Media Type", "reasonPhrase…
  • [Single Server HA in OBM 23.4] Manually switch DPS to OBM2

    Hello guys, I'm wook. I configured OBM with a single server HA configuration. The gateway and DPS are running in OBM 1, and only the gateway is running in OBM 2. I configured OBM2 as a backup server to enable automatic failover, and I want to test…
  • OBM - perfromance dashboard shows metric value numbers above 1000 as decimal numbers

    We save some metric values in the performance agent of OA and want to visualize them in a performance dashboard. If we have numbers above 1000 in there the PD automatically change them to decimal numbers in the dashboards. Example: Metric Value 999…
  • OBM Management Pack for Redis

    Hi All, I have a requirement to monitor Redis application, I do see the Management pack available for Redis, however the last release was 9 years ago. anyone have any information whether we get new management pack for latest Redis version? Thanks…
  • Ambiguous resolution

    Hi, We have issue in resolving application resource Cis in hosts. Topology is as follows. Related CI hint is "IIS app pool GtpTSRestAppPool@@pgmkdmzms01" . We get the error: Ambiguous resolution: 2 matching CIs. Ambiguous Ci: IIS app pool GtpTSRestAppPool…
  • Management Pack for CouchDb for OBM Container

    Hi All, We have customer requirement to monitor CouchDB through OBM/SIS. I can see Management pack is available but i am not sure that its supported to OBM 23.4 Version or not. www.microfocus.com/.../obm-management-pack-for-apache-couchdb Please…