• Possible to remove just HPOM install of whole Operation Agent using the oacleanall.vbs script?

    Hi experts, We are just testing the removal of HPOM from some Windows Servers, and are following the guide here - https://docs.microfocus.com/doc/Operations_Agent/12.21/CleanAl l The description for the script states: " The oacleanall script isn…
  • perf agent stopped logging data after 12.26 upgrade

    We upgraded our linux agents running in MIXED MODE from 12.24 to 12.26 using the rpm method. We now have the problem that the perf agent only stores global and process data store metrics after the upgrade - no disk, lan, filesystem, cpu data like before…
  • OA Installation IPv6/IPv4 Address is not configured

    Hello, I'm trying to install OA 12.20 on a Windows server but the requirements keep failing for "Check if the IPv6/IPv4 address is configured". I've already checked on my network configurations and the IP seems alright considering I've already installed…
  • Is AIX 7.2 TL5 supported in OA 12.23 version?

    Hello, In the most recent version of SUMA, I couldn't find that OA 12.23 supports AIX 7.2 TL5. May I know if OA supports AIX 7.2 TL5 version? Thanks.
  • Test message after Agent installation fails

    Hi guys, I'm jiwook. We have successfully deployed both certificates and policies. A policy of msgi type was also distributed. And the test event opcmsg is sent, but it is not transmitted to the manager server. Even after deleting and reinstalling…
  • obmadmin command line interface path

    Hi can anyone help me what is the exact path of obmadmin command line interface in OBM 2021.05 in Windows? whether this command exists? if no alternate command for this now?
  • glance reports warning and Non-Fatal Error when using non-root using on OA12.20 Linux

    The glance command reported the following warning when using non-root user on OA12.20 Linux box. [test@bigpapa-vm3 ~]$ glance WARNING: Unable to open ".glancerc_linux", "adviser.out", and "glance.err". Either your $HOME environment is not defined…
  • Agent System Detection Error[2]: ovodetect: Error

    Hi, I get the follow alarm: Policy Alarm - Agent System Detection Error[2]: ovodetect: Error - Execution of '/var/opt/OV/bin/instrumentation/ovosysdetect_weblogicmp.pl' returned '2'. /var/opt/OV/bin/instrumentation…
  • OA support for Windows 2022 Core edition

    Hello, with OA12.20 and 12.21 newest Windows 2022 OS was added into OA support. In SUMA there is "Windows Server 2022" mentioned. Does it automatically cover all editions including Windows 2022 Core ? Thank you Regards / Marek
  • Operations Agent: Certificate Request via RCP

    Hi, Has anyone managed to get Operations Agent certificate request/grant working for agents connecting via RCP and not directly? I'm looking to monitor some servers that would need to connect via RCP, and the ability to access and copy a cert file…
  • RE: "Unknow exception occurred. (OpC30-3904)" on OBM event browser

    opcgeni is notorious for such issues, especially with older versions of the Operations Agent like v12.06. Please give me the result of opcagt -version and ovpolicy -list on the problematic managed node, as an older agent version combined with self-monitoring…
  • RE: Update installed package Operations-agent to version 12.15.005 Error

    Do the successes and failures happen on the same OS platform, such as Windows, Linux, UNIX, etc.? I would think that the Operations Agent service account has rights on those that succeed, and do not have enough rights on those that fail, although I would…
  • RE: How does operations agent work when a server is decommissioned?

    There is also this content pack from the ITOM Marketplace that I just remembered about, which might assist you: https://marketplace.microfocus.com/itom/content/oa-content-pack-for-internal-message-filtering
  • RE: How does operations agent work when a server is decommissioned?

    I get it. In this case, I would use ovconfchg on the management servers so that you can create policies to capture Internal/OpC events and use an automatic action to decommission the node, remove policies, whatever you can tell me in plain English you…
  • RE: Operations Agent: the oacore and hpsensor components are aborted and I can get them restarted

    Execute the following: # ovc -kill # opcagt -cleanstart # ovc -start # opcagt -status # ovcert -list # ovcert -check Provide /var/opt/OV/log/System.txt Thank You, ~ OVM
  • Node duplicated due to OA restarts

    Hello all I have OMi with node (Windows/Unix) already defined: let's call these <existent_nodes> . My new task is to switching OA primary manager from OMU to OMi: let's call these <migrated_nodes> . Every <existent_nodes> has a PrimaryDnsName attribute…
  • health check event not coming to OMi

    Dear Experts, I have enabled agent health check for one of the node in our setup and did not get any event when agent was stopped. when checking the opr-heartbeat.log i see below error in it. 2020-01-30 11:12:28,134 [HeartBeatConfig-1] ERROR StateMachineManager…
  • What is the max length or size of "msg_text" field that opcmsq can process / send in OA12.

    Hello, is there some limitation of max length / size of "msg_text" field that can be processed / send via opcms command towards OML9 using OA12 agent ? Tried to find that info in docs - but failed. Thank you
  • Perl symbol lookup errors

    After upgrading to agent version 12.10.008 on RHEL 7.3, our monitoring policy perl scripts are failing with symbol lookup errors and undefined symbol errors. We notice that the version of Perl included with the agent is now 5.26.003. It would appear to…
  • OPCMSG Event Auto Close

    Hi All, I'm trying to create events using a custom opcmsg policy. I've a ps.1 powershell script on a server with OA. I will simplify the script here. The important part is it has a for loop and and opcmsg inside the loop. for (i=0 to 2) { opcmsg "[i]…
  • OBM 2018.05 and OA 12.11

    We are running OBM 2018.05 on Linux. We just installed OA 12.11 on Windows 2016 servers. OBM accepted the certificate requests from all the systems. For one server, OBM added it to monitored nodes with agents. For the others (2) it did not. I have stopped…
  • OA 12.10 stability report

    Dear Experts, Few months ago i upgraded our environment to OA 12.04 and since then there are many issue. I am thinking to upgrade to OA 12.10 with available HotFix(s). as per the support there is not many HotFix(s) available. in my opinion this could…
  • IO Error when uploading 12.10 agent to OMI

    Hi all I have tried using opr-packager-manager.bat to upload 12.10 agent to OMi Gateway server. For linux it went fine but for windows it fails so many of my clients won't be able to be updated from OMi interface. Here is the errror: C:\HPBSM\opr\bin…
  • Installing OA through a YUM repository

    Customer prefers to install Linux agents using yum. He doesn't want to set up a new reposity and while the instructions reference https, the installation does not actually configure httpd that way. In any event installing the agent by entering: 'yum install…
  • OA 12.X Query for Windows 2016 OS

    Hello Experts, We have our server monitoring currently done through OMW 9.X via OA 12.X ,We would be upgrading to OpsB (OMi 10.63) . However i would like to know if we can monitor Windows servers with Windows 2016 OS 64 bit via OA 12.X through OMW , Is…