• License Audit Job getting Aborted with : timed out while waiting for kexinit message

    In the customer environment, we see the following error in the License Audit.csv file: OpsB is hosted on Windows Server, this error message reported multiple times in the csv file. what could be reason for the job failure ? error; job finished…
  • How to remove or reduce OMI TC License utilization?

    Hello Everyone, OMI/OBM has Target Connector licenses which are calculated through Third-Party Event Management systems integrated with OMI. For e.g. SCOM or OEM sending events with unique CI will contribute to TC license usage. My query is how to…
  • APM 9.30 license updating issue (points are added, not replaced)

    Hi experts, We are facing an issue on out APM installation. Customer has renewed the licenses for BSM, in this case there has been a reduction of SAM (1000 to 270) points and for Transaction points (870 to 750). I have uploaded the new licenses, but instead…
  • OM to Opsbridge license migration

    Hello All, I would like to know the OM to Opsbridge license migration. I have been struggling with Microfocus support on this for a while . I have following licenses: S.NO Name of the product SKU/Product# Version Quantity 1 HPE Operations Mgr Windows…
  • In the License Management of OMi 10.60, Operations Agent is showing Expired.

    Hello All, Implemented the OMi on Windows, Applied the OMi Premium License, But after 60 days, Operations Agent-ovagt (Time Based) was showing expired. Please let me know what is the solution for this, if it is not impact on OMi it is fine, But how to…
  • RUM License Query

    Hello Experts How can i locate the RUM License , We have 2 RUM Probes and around 13 Application using RUM . License Management on BSM is not helping much RUM Version is 9.26 and BSM is 9.24 I want to locate the Total Licenses Available for us Regards…
  • Migration of BPM Targets

    Hi, my customer had BAC BPM Targets on their support agreement (SKU's T5676AAE, T5677AAE and T5678AAE), as well as BAC BPM Transaction (Single Location) TB124AAE. The Target licenses have been dropped from their support renewal because Micro Focus withdrew…
  • Question regarding BSM and sitescope license

    Hi, BSM and sitescope license is based on IP address or hostname the server ? Will same license work if IP address of the server gets changed..? Regards, Ajju.
  • OMI License removal procedure

    OMI License removal procedure Solution:: 1. Access jmx console (accessible via http://GW_FQDN:29000 or https://GW_FQDN:29000) 2. Under "BSM-Platform" namespace open LicenseManager 3. Invoke method “java.lang.String removeAllLicense” (specify customerId…
  • OMI 10.63 License Query

    Hello Experts, I have a query, With OMW 9.X and BSM 9.24 License can we use OMi 10.63 License Key ? I believe we cannot just need a confirmation on the same
  • OMi license report command Line Utility

    Hello do we have command Line Utility for listing all OMi license components and statuses including consumed licenses? Is there such a utility? command mentioned in different post is fine, but it returns only installed licenses, not consumed /opt/HP/BSM…
  • Question on Licensing in opsBridge 10.61 (see snapshot)

    Hi Expert, We have upgraded from OMi 10.10 to Opsbridge 10.61 and recently I was looking into Licnesing on opsbridge 10.61 and I noticed that we have overusage of operation agent ,can anyone guide me how we got overusage and what is this?What we can do…
  • SiteScope 11.40 license error

    Greetings, experts. We have the following error after license activation attempt in SiteScope 11.40: 2018-02-13 11:37:02,385 [SiteScope Main Thread] (LicensePointsCache.java:132) ERROR - Failed to get installed licenses: Error code : 5997 Error message…
  • License for upgrade Sitescope 9.24 to 9.40

    Greetings, experts. Does anybody know may we use Sitescope 9.24 license for 1500 points (perpetual) and 9.24 license for 300 OS instances (perpetual) in 9.40 installation directly or we must to request/purchase additional licenses? With best regards,…
  • SiteScope 11 End of work warning

    Greetings, Experts! We have the warning message in SiteScope 11 report what we overheaded license points and SiteScope will stop working after 7 days. Does this warning serious or we can safely ignore that message? By away, in About window of SiteScope…
  • (OBR) Support Tip : How does OBR calculate the number of used licenses?

    OBR compute license based on the node count and the licensing computation is done via the following formula: count all the nodes from k_ci_ node (A) count all the nodes from k_ci_network_node (B) count all the collection disabled nodes list from the OBR…
  • About HPOM 9.0 OA upgrade to OA12.5 then get license issues

    Becasue need management Server 2016 so we have upgrade the HPOM agent from 11.13 to 12.05 then lunch the HPOM Console then get as bellow error License check getting the license status failed Error code:0x80004005 please help us, thanks
  • How is calculate License in OMi

    Hello, I would like to know how is recalculate the license count in OMi. Because I delete 2 agent last week and my license is still the same. Someone can explain me ? Thanks
  • OMi Support Tip: OMi Licensing Concepts in a nutshell

    A short recap of OMI's licensing structure. Here's some general info (from the Omi admin guide) : Operations Bridge Licensing structure Three Operations Bridge editions are available: 1 Operations Bridge Express Edition 2 Operations Bridge Premium Edition…
  • Management Pack Licneses

    Dear All, We have 5 Microsoft Exchange servers that we want to monitor from OMi 10.12 using OMi MS Exchange MP. So my question is do I need MS Exchange MP licenses to start using that management pack? If yes, how many MP licenses are required to monitor…
  • What is impact of licensing

    Hi , Can anyone tell what is the impact if license is expired .In the license report I can see the status of HP Operations TC OS Instance license as critical.If license is not applied,will it impact the alerts.Please suggest.
  • SiteScope OSI licneses based on OA Agent license in OMi

    Hey All, Got a Query w.r.t. SiS license that we received from Microfocus. We have 1400 OA Agent licenses that we are using in OMi for server monitoring. We got 1400 OSI licenses for SiteScope, we only had URL licneses purchased. As I understand, if we…
  • HP OMw 9.0 iSPI license

    Hi Licesne file is attached. We have below version of OMw HP Operations Manager Build: A. Version: A.09.00 we have below iSPI's and usually showing in ">ovolicense -r -p HPOM" - (negative) value and when we had ordered to buy SQL SPI licesne…
  • OMi Licensing import failing saying the license is already installed

    Hi All, My OMi Licensing import is failing saying the license is already installed but in License Management the only licenses are Evaluation licenses that ahve same license names. Has anyone seen this or ahve a clue on how to resolve this? Thanks, R…
  • how to find the License Point Usage (Sitescope load) without login to the console

    how to find the License Point Usage (Sitescope load) without login to the console.Since we are in the process of autmating the monitoring through CSA. Some location , we are having multiple sitescope servers.based on the load , we will keep the machine…