Need complete steps SAN monitoring with BSM from Side

Hi Team,

I need complete and details  steps  what steps we (BSM) need to do post configured all the storage devices with SNMP Traps to receive alerts in BSM.

I have OBM console admin  access .

I got the storage devices list also.

So here from BSM side how I can know the those SNMP traps got received to OBM, and how I can configure the policy's for the SNMP Traps.

How I can know the which policy I need to use for this SNMP san monitoring with BSM.

How I can  know the communication enabled from OBM to storage devices, 

Please provide the Linux commands for this  activity.

Please details steps document for this SAN storage monitoring with BSM

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    Thank you for posting this question.

    I'm not sure the question you are asking.  I think you have a SAN, and this sends SNMP events to OBM, or it might be BSM? 

    You would like to know how the SAN sends SNMP events to OBM? If that's the question, you'll need to speak to your SAN administrator and ask them to add the OBM server (or wherever opctrapi is running) as a trap destination.

    I hope this helps, or if not, would you be able to ask the question again?


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    Hi Duncan,

    Thanks for your reply.

    I am from BSM development team,

    Here I got request from the client, they  need SAN Monitoring with  BSM, how we can achieve this.

    SAN Storage team already configured all storage devices with SNMP traps to receive the alerts in BSM.

    My question is how we can check those SNMP traps in our BSM console, 

    Here total 40 storage devices are there, so how many policies I needs to create ,

    I need details steps to create policies in OBM console.

    I need details steps to achieve this request.

  • 0 in reply to   

    Hi Duncan,

    Thanks for your reply.

    I am from BSM development team,

    Here I got request from the client, they  need SAN Monitoring with  BSM, how we can achieve this.

    SAN Storage team already configured all storage devices with SNMP traps to receive the alerts in BSM.

    My question is how we can check those SNMP traps in our BSM console, 

    Here total 40 storage devices are there, so how many policies I needs to create ,

    I need details steps to create policies in OBM console.

    I need details steps to achieve this request.
